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Jul 2016

Hey guys,

My name is Kiera and I am so glad to announce I’m going to be working with many of you guys hand by hand! I’m going to collaborate with a huge part of this community on 3D Hubs educational programs to boost the awareness and knowledge of 3D printing in schools.


So what does 3D Hubs have in mind for students?

  • Student Program Badge with 25% Discount:

If you’re Level 3+ Hub you’ll be able to join our student program, aimed at getting more students involved with 3D printing by offering them a 25% discount on 3D Hubs orders.

By joining the program, Hubs have the opportunity to significantly increase the orders from students at nearby Universities, offering a 25% discount, while helping them take their first steps into 3D printing.

  • 3D Hubs Student Ambassador Program

Are you a Hub still enrolled at university? Join our mission to increase awareness around 3D printing with your fellow classmates… and beyond!

As 3D Hubs Student Ambassador you will have the opportunity to spread the possibilities of 3D printing, joining a network of like-minded student Hubs from all over the world and boost the activity of your Hub. Look at @mention to Eugene Chang, 3D Hubs Student Ambassador at The New School-Parsons. After one year of activity he became one of the Top Hubs we have in New York City.

At the moment we’re actively looking for Hubs still enrolled at the universities in these regions:

  • UK
  • Europe mainland
  • Canada
  • USA
  • Singapore
  • Australia and New Zealand

So, if you’re a hub or a student or even both, don’t miss out on this amazing new experience!


  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Aug '17
  • 10


  • 1.9k


  • 7


Please consider how to offer discounts to secondary and elementary/primary school children, and also home-school programmes.

I’ve had several high-school students with their own projects that would’ve happened (easier) if there was a (simple) way to give them a discount.

In Canada (and the US) there is a lot of push to get STEM related curriculum right down to the youngest students, and they’re the easiest to reach- they’re the most open to curiosity and the pleasure of finding things out :wink:

Also, the younger you go, teachers have to be more generalist in terms of syllabus topics (but more expert in the psychology and management of childhood development.) They’re the group that could benefit the most from 3DHubs and Hub support. Might not be the most profitable, but I’d wager it’ll be the most impactful for the future.



Kind of piggybacking off of @makeitzone but please consider offering some sort of Ambassador program for high schoolers. They probably can’t get paid for legal reasons, but offering them things such as volunteer hours or just the fact that it will distinguish them from other applicants should be good compensation. It would be great if more high schoolers could get more opportunities and involved in 3D Hubs other then just being a customer or running a hub.

Hi Kiera, We’re already working with the University of the West of England (UWE) and we’d love to look into expanding that relationship to include you guys as a student ambassador with that and other universities. How would we go about doing this? Best Alexi

Hey Julian!

We do offer discounts to hight school students, but it is on a demand base. If you want, contact me at kiera@3dhubs.com and we can discuss more about how we can help your high schoolers with the student discount :slight_smile:


That’s really good to know; If memory serves I’ve been told that there is no high-school student discount via support tickets. I think the sticking point was using a domain based filter (having an email account with a recognized school) - most high schools don’t give students an email address.

However that doesn’t help *reach* high-school students and elementary teachers. All your advertising/student sign up is targeted to tertiary education institutes. Most high-schoolers/elementary teachers will assume they’re not included and won’t think to ask.

It would be really helpful if you could create a policy page re high-school/elementary school discounts and included links to this in your general university programme advertising.

Thanks for considering this!


AFAIK ambassador’s don’t get paid. I think they get sent free 3D Hubs promotional material and some advertising support.

If they run a hub, and have completed enough orders (are “level 3”), they can also officially offer a 25% discount to students. This also comes with some (potential) marketing advantages; that nice “student discount” badge on your listing. However the terms of where the discount comes from has changed over time, if memory serves. I believe it used to be that 3D Hubs would do a deeper discount on their fees. But now they reduce their fee to the hub by 25% and also reduce the hubs income by 25%. Which makes it very interesting in terms of setting your pricing depending on the number of student orders you get. I understand why a 25% flat discount is better for marketing all hubs, but as a hub operator I do wish I had some control over it. e.g. if I were to suddenly get a lot of student orders I’d have to either drop out of the programme or artificially increase my rates to give a discount that works with my business model… both of these options would be bad for me and my customers :frowning:

So I don’t think there’d be any issue for a high school student to be an ambassador (junior ambassador?) - they could get the free promotional material. 3D hubs could also provide them with some presentation materials and online support (e.g. some remote coaching about how to do a presentation) to introduce 3D printing to their peers - e.g. lunchtime presentations etc. This could make it appealing to high-schoolers, especially if they could count it towards volunteer/other extra-curricular activity requirements. They wouldn’t need to be a hub. One step further would be to find local student-friendly hubs and put them in touch with the “junior ambassadors” to do an event at their school. But that could get worrisome from liability/press point of view: putting “strangers” in touch with “minors.”

As always, it gets complicated quickly if you want to reach/involve kids!

1 year later

Is the student ambassador program open to hubs exclusively, or can university students with a great amount of experience both printing and running a hub potentially occupy this position?

Hey Travis,

This is Nahla here from 3D hubs. I’m afraid the Ambassador program is closed at the moment. Sorry to disappoint you.
We do however have a Student Grant we carry out on a yearly basis : Student innovation grant 2020 | Hubs You can keep an eye out for the next Student Grant of 2018 if you are interested. :slight_smile:
Nahla - 3D Hubs