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Jul 2016

AFAIK ambassador’s don’t get paid. I think they get sent free 3D Hubs promotional material and some advertising support.

If they run a hub, and have completed enough orders (are “level 3”), they can also officially offer a 25% discount to students. This also comes with some (potential) marketing advantages; that nice “student discount” badge on your listing. However the terms of where the discount comes from has changed over time, if memory serves. I believe it used to be that 3D Hubs would do a deeper discount on their fees. But now they reduce their fee to the hub by 25% and also reduce the hubs income by 25%. Which makes it very interesting in terms of setting your pricing depending on the number of student orders you get. I understand why a 25% flat discount is better for marketing all hubs, but as a hub operator I do wish I had some control over it. e.g. if I were to suddenly get a lot of student orders I’d have to either drop out of the programme or artificially increase my rates to give a discount that works with my business model… both of these options would be bad for me and my customers :frowning:

So I don’t think there’d be any issue for a high school student to be an ambassador (junior ambassador?) - they could get the free promotional material. 3D hubs could also provide them with some presentation materials and online support (e.g. some remote coaching about how to do a presentation) to introduce 3D printing to their peers - e.g. lunchtime presentations etc. This could make it appealing to high-schoolers, especially if they could count it towards volunteer/other extra-curricular activity requirements. They wouldn’t need to be a hub. One step further would be to find local student-friendly hubs and put them in touch with the “junior ambassadors” to do an event at their school. But that could get worrisome from liability/press point of view: putting “strangers” in touch with “minors.”

As always, it gets complicated quickly if you want to reach/involve kids!

1 year later

Is the student ambassador program open to hubs exclusively, or can university students with a great amount of experience both printing and running a hub potentially occupy this position?

Hey Travis,

This is Nahla here from 3D hubs. I’m afraid the Ambassador program is closed at the moment. Sorry to disappoint you.
We do however have a Student Grant we carry out on a yearly basis : Student innovation grant 2020 | Hubs You can keep an eye out for the next Student Grant of 2018 if you are interested. :slight_smile:
Nahla - 3D Hubs