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Mar 2016

Judging Criteria Update: Together with Ultimaker we saw the issues in the upvoting system for the design entries. For this reason we’ve changed the judging criteria system from upvotes to a jury, which will be composed by Ultimaker and 3D Hubs. The winner of the competition will be declared on March 21st. In this way everyone will have enough time to create and print the best Star Wars gadget around. Hope this can solve any issue around the competition. If you’ve any question, please ask

Hey! Thanks for your feedback on the competition. In order to maintain the fairness of the competition and its entries, the winners will be chosen by a selected jury of Ultimaker and 3D Hubs team members. The judging criteria will still be the same: the most innovative design on Star Wars topic. Do you have any question? Please ask.

I guess I will participate with my favourite Star Wars character, the Low Poly Darth Vader! There are two versions, with and without cape (Edna Mode would be proud of me!). It was designed so anyone with a 3D printer (or a 3D Hub near) could have one. It only has 3D printed parts, it takes only 2 hours to print it and it doesn’t need any post-processing.

For me, innovation means easier, not more complex, specially when we are talking about a limited technology such as 3D printing. Following the less is more idea, I’ve used a faceted style to simplify the printing process, creating this Star Wars souvenir. It was designed specially for kids, as printing and assembling the model doesn’t require any extra skills, tools or time. Just print it and enjoy it.

You can download it on the following YouMagine link:


(Don’t forget to check my YouMagine profile, you will find more Star Wars models and other low-poly designs, all of them as easy to print as the one you can see here)
darthvader_lowpoly_body.STL (107 KB)
darthvader_lowpoly_bodycape.STL (122 KB)
darthvader_lowpoly_connector.STL (2.62 KB)
darthvader_lowpoly_head.STL (31.7 KB)

Great news! This is a lot more fair. Hope to see brand new designs! March 21 is still the deadline and a winner is chosen on the 21st as well? Hopefully the jury doesn’t weigh too heavily on votes then for the sake of the late entries. Also you might want to state a specific cut off time on the 21st.

Yes I will re-enter Simona, but I am working on a new one specifically for this competition - I have probably 50 or so I could enter that have been made previously, but that doesn’t require alot of effort and there’s no fun in that, also I think more exciting to see new designs from others also - so far all the entries are ones I’ve seen many times on other sites, so yeah it would be good to have a refreshing load of new starwars models come from this if anything. :p.

Ok today I got my H-bridge, I will update the youmagine page, waiting for my bluetooth module

I am De-entering the competition as well.

For the same reasons as Geoff_Wicks: I have made these models in the past and not specifically for the contest so i feel kinda weird about that.

Plus all the fuss about the contest kinda sapped my moral so i don’t want to be a part of it anymore.

I’m still gonna let my designs available on Youmagine for people to enjoy. I usually post only on MyMiniFactory but what the hell… I might as well let these here.

I’m withdrawing my entries. See comment bellow to know why.

I don’t have one design… but THREE :slight_smile:

The famous A-Wing that destroyed the Super Destroyer in Return of The Jedi:


Anakin and Luke Skywalker Lightsaber… with internal parts!. Build you own lightsaber like a true Jedi:


Life-Size Boba Fett’s EE3 Carabine. Chase the rebel scum with this powerful rifle (perfect for cosplay):

https://www.youmagine.com/designs/boba-fett-s-ee3-carbine-from-star-wars 1

So so so so so soooooo cool! Do you think it would be possible to make it a little bit bigger without changing the electronics?