Darth Vader Reveal Bust
I guess I better have at least one in before the dead line. I really wanted to have a model that I was working on specifically for the competition and wanted to finish my Jabbas palace model, but rushing it for this finish date was just not possible. But, as there are so many entries that are old models, I might as well join them. I’d rather have at least one in than none
I will enter my Darth Vader bust, may the force be with you all.
March 21, 2016, 11:32am
Hi GIFT3D , i asked via twitter to 3dhub.they answered me that there was no problem to present two model .But I had to present them separately
You clearly are the on who has reading problems when I already stated that clearly. And if you knew how to read you would understand I was talking about submissions of old entires and not new ones. Also the not so active moderator, Simona also stated, “They (the votes) will be taken in account as a mention of honour from the community.” Thus causing all these unwarranted downvotes.
When you try to ridicule someone that they can’t read, make sure your reading comprehension is there for yourself first.
This is the type of new works I hoped to see from the beginning. If only the rules were more clear and invited NEW DESIGNS rather than allow people to repost oldies, we would have gotten a lot more designs like this.
The yoda is one made exactly the same by around 100 persons, the DV I did a lot more than just the base so is not the same as I downloaded a short while ago. For the competition the LarsHomestead is the most important as mentioned…
March 21, 2016, 3:57pm
Ok. That’s good to hear. I just though you were trying to trick the judges with two entries. If they allow it then I’m happy. What I still don’t get is why you have one in French.
Good look with the contest.
March 21, 2016, 4:03pm
The winners have been decided!
Drum roll please…
Congratulations to the 1st prize winner who wins an Ultimaker 2+ → @AxisLab with the Custom Star Wars C3PO Themed, Team Unlimited - e-NABLE Arm . We all love your design. We really appreciated your time in designing it and make the STLs available for a wonderful cause as the E-Nable project.
The runner up for the competition is @Sturnino , taking R2D2 and Arduino to create this awesome design. You win 6 spools of Colorfabb nGen! Well done.
Finally 2 spools of Colorfabb go to @Thomas_Kreidel with his Super Star Destroyer Executor.
Thanks all for sharing all your designs, participating to the competition and bring the Star Wars props to the next level. You really made it!
p.s. Since the thread is pretty long, you can find all the winners at these links:
1) Axis Lab - https://www.youmagine.com/designs/custom-star-wars-c3po-themed-team-unlimbited-e-nable-arm
2) Sturnino - https://www.youmagine.com/designs/r2d2-arduino-core
3) Thomas Kreidel - https://www.youmagine.com/designs/super-star-destroyer-executor
Thank you all for the very kind words on my collaborative effort in making this goofy, but original piece we created that we felt could have existed within the Star Wars universe branching from the inspiration that came from the SNL Kylo Ren Undercover Boss short.
As a whole I’m actually VERY surprised such little deliberation was involved in the decision making and wonder if the staff had truly taken the time and consideration to really look at every entry here based on how fast this contest came to a close and was decided upon. I do believe this competition had a set of rules that the submitted creations had to be of something that has yet to be introduced into the Star Wars universe and not alternate artistic versions of things that already exist (and won’t ever exist in the universe that way because they already are as we have been presented).
I can take not winning just fine. I am extremely proud of this piece and had one of the best times of my creative life helping be a part of making something that started from absolutely nothing, to becoming something that sits on my desk right now. We really believed in this one and had a good feeling others would get a good kick out of it. Thank you everyone for the great feedback and up votes! Congratulations to the winners.
March 21, 2016, 6:18pm
GIFT3D “don’t get is why you have one in French.”
(google traduction auto:)
good luck too
Before anything else, congrats to the winners, those were some awesome entries, I will definitely print that Super Star Destroyer.
Having said that… serioulsy? Acording to the rules “Final Submission Date : March 21, 2016”, it’s still March 21.
I was finishing my print, (I know it was cutting it close, but the printer decided two days ago to break on me), and was hoping to submit it today, you guys need to write better rules, this was a mess from the start.
Use your tablet or smartphone to create a StarWars lamp with this 3d print.
While charging your tablet in this accessory you have a lucent StarWars lamp.
Load a free app f.ex. “LightTemperatur” or “flashlight” on your device, make it lucent and put it into the stand. Choose the colour you like, suitable to the colour of your room or to your mood.
To charge your device while it works as a mood-light put the charging-cable through the slim opening on both sides of the stand. At the back of the stand you can find an opening to insert your device easily.
If you like to use the lamp without your device, you can use a self-adhesive LED-stripe, just like a real lamp.
You can scale the STL files for the size of your device.
Have fun with the “StarWars-Light”!
(the bb8 standing on the stand comes from thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1377362 )
BaseLeft.stl (4.85 MB)
BaseRight.stl (4.54 MB)
UpperBack01.stl (281 KB)
UpperBack02.stl (285 KB)
UpperFront01.stl (1.75 MB)
UpperFront02.stl (459 KB)
1 Like
It definitely seemed like they were anxious to end this competition ASAP and they sure did.
Oh my God! I’m speechless!
I just got back from the Midwest RepRap Fest with a ton of new filament too.
This is going to be one hard working machine, and make a bunch of kids really happy!
These are some other hands that I have printed customized, and donated if anyone is curious to see what I do in my off time.
March 21, 2016, 8:22pm
I know, I know it’s too late but I just finished the print (I underestimated the model complexity and the speed of my printer) and as it’s still March 21…
Hammerhead class cruiser: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/hammerhead-class-cruiser-kotor
As seen on the Knights of the Old Republic.
PS Congratulations to the winners, as for the management of this contest, I really hope you learned something, because was really poorly managed competion.
March 21, 2016, 10:29pm
Congratulations. You are doing awesome work and the smiles on kids faces reflect that. Well deserved.
March 21, 2016, 10:32pm
Yes. I noticed that before if you look up top right when Simona told us to ask if there was any questions and I knew immediately a time deadline was left out and tried to ask for everyone but it was never answered. Looks like a few others had asked later in the contest too without avail. The contest was quite a disaster in the way it was handled. Hope 3DHubs learn something from this experience. I wish we could have seen your entry. =(
March 21, 2016, 11:45pm
Hi everyone!
I thought the deadline was today at 23:59. Silly me.
Anyways I have been working on a sculpted Vader pencil holder(+misc holder) for the contest. The prop can also go on the tip of the car hood or on the interior as awesome decor haha. I skipped class for it but it seems I might not be able to enter.
I wanted the model to be easily printable and printer friendly so no Critical layers(tested on the Retina Software) and it is sub 100k polys. It was tough and alot of corrections made but I kept the printer friendly-ness in mind constantly while sculpting while keeping important details and pose. Most printers are able to print this. It is meant to be printed upright for FDM printers. This has been heavily sculpted and I wanted a detailed companion close to Yoda. If the contest ended at the end of the month it would have allowed for me to finish sculpting Obi-Wan and Anakin. There are two versions. One is with the cape and the other without if you want to save material for checking calibration detail. Enjoy for the moment!
Vader.stl (5.04 MB)
VaderwoCape-ByDecadia.stl (3.47 MB)
March 22, 2016, 12:00am
Not your fault. They never properly stated a time deadline nor time zone. This is a high quality model. Great job. Did you try printing this yet? Can this be printed properly without support? Left arm may be trouble?