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Mar 2016

It definitely seemed like they were anxious to end this competition ASAP and they sure did.

Oh my God! I’m speechless!

I just got back from the Midwest RepRap Fest with a ton of new filament too.

This is going to be one hard working machine, and make a bunch of kids really happy!

These are some other hands that I have printed customized, and donated if anyone is curious to see what I do in my off time.


Mike, the only thing I can say to that to hopefully make you feel less cheated, is keep in mind this is a 3D Hubs hosted contest. 3D hubs is literally a network of 3D printer owners using printers as a service. 95%+ of us on here already have machines that we try and use professionally, and why we have a hub in the first place.

The only thing different with me, instead of doing it from home, I rented an office space to teach classes too, and yes, I’m trying to turn it into something full time. However I assure, sadly most days it doesn’t even pay for my lunch lol.

I’m sorry you are mad at me for it, but I assure you, any machine I have works it’s butt off off for limb different children, community events, and local school groups. I put that before everything.

I’m not mad at you your doing a good thing for your community. It’s the way the contest was run. I feel cheated because I have mental health problems and are house bound, I could never afford a 3D printer of my own and I have entered many 3D printing contests and have never won a thing and it adds to my spiralling depression which does not help

I created a replica of the lightsaber Luke Skywalker ANH.
I did the internal chassis to make a replica of the film my way.
There are brass parts turned by a friend.
It is made with metal, 3D printing, welding, motherboards sound and light management.
He is also scheduled to fight

https://www.facebook.com/christophe.gonthiergeorges/videos/10208533720164713/?l=2225951761780510063 2

Thank you for choosing me for the third place. There were many awesome entries to compete with.


This is my version of the Super Star Destroyer - Executor from the well known science-fiction-movies we all love.

Time for modeling about 40 hours. Print time about 80-90 hours. My biggest project so far.

The scale is 1:19000 (about 1 meter long)!

I already uploaded the model to YouMagine:

https://www.youmagine.com/designs/super-star-destroyer-executor 13

The pictures are rendered from my model. I will add some photos when the print is finished.


Edit: I added some pictures of the progress. I’m still printing. :wink:


Edit2: Print and assembly is done. Added some photos. Also made a wall holder and a info-sign.

Thank you very much! How do I get the two rolls of Colorfabb Ngen? I got no message from you.

Thanks in advance for your help.