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Mar 2016

Before anything else, congrats to the winners, those were some awesome entries, I will definitely print that Super Star Destroyer.

Having said that… serioulsy? Acording to the rules “Final Submission Date : March 21, 2016”, it’s still March 21.

I was finishing my print, (I know it was cutting it close, but the printer decided two days ago to break on me), and was hoping to submit it today, you guys need to write better rules, this was a mess from the start.

Hey @GIFT3D, albeit too late, let me to clear things for you. Multiple entries are definitely allowed, whether in the same comment or not, otherwise we would have mentioned it in the competition brief. Hope this helps.

Hey @tanwalin @edthomp @ItsATrap, thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that we certainly weren’t pressured in any way to end the contest sooner. I do agree however that we could’ve handled this contest better, and as one of the largest competition we hosted on Talk, there’s definitely a lot to learn from the experience.

@tanwalin I’m sorry you didn’t get to show us your project! I hope you’ll still share it with the community here on Talk.


Mike, the only thing I can say to that to hopefully make you feel less cheated, is keep in mind this is a 3D Hubs hosted contest. 3D hubs is literally a network of 3D printer owners using printers as a service. 95%+ of us on here already have machines that we try and use professionally, and why we have a hub in the first place.

The only thing different with me, instead of doing it from home, I rented an office space to teach classes too, and yes, I’m trying to turn it into something full time. However I assure, sadly most days it doesn’t even pay for my lunch lol.

I’m sorry you are mad at me for it, but I assure you, any machine I have works it’s butt off off for limb different children, community events, and local school groups. I put that before everything.