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Mar 2016

Hi everyone!

I thought the deadline was today at 23:59. Silly me.

Anyways I have been working on a sculpted Vader pencil holder(+misc holder) for the contest. The prop can also go on the tip of the car hood or on the interior as awesome decor haha. I skipped class for it but it seems I might not be able to enter.

I wanted the model to be easily printable and printer friendly so no Critical layers(tested on the Retina Software) and it is sub 100k polys. It was tough and alot of corrections made but I kept the printer friendly-ness in mind constantly while sculpting while keeping important details and pose. Most printers are able to print this. It is meant to be printed upright for FDM printers. This has been heavily sculpted and I wanted a detailed companion close to Yoda. If the contest ended at the end of the month it would have allowed for me to finish sculpting Obi-Wan and Anakin. There are two versions. One is with the cape and the other without if you want to save material for checking calibration detail. Enjoy for the moment! :slight_smile:
Vader.stl 1 (5.04 MB)
VaderwoCape-ByDecadia.stl 1 (3.47 MB)

Not your fault. They never properly stated a time deadline nor time zone. This is a high quality model. Great job. Did you try printing this yet? Can this be printed properly without support? Left arm may be trouble?

Thanks, I did spend lots of hours on this model to bring the quality up enough for the Yoda companion. :slight_smile:

I aim to have others print this happily without supports.

I’m having it printed without supports myself and so far so good. I posed the left arm just at the right angle to have 0 critical layers but if other people have issues I can raise it a bit more. I dont currently have a FDM printer with me so I’ll be testing it out at school. Thanks for the comment!

I can not believe the winner was a 3D printing service who does it for a living & already have there own 3D printer. Talk about unfair is this another case of a rigged contest? I feel total cheated by this

Thank you for choosing me for the third place. There were many awesome entries to compete with.


This is my version of the Super Star Destroyer - Executor from the well known science-fiction-movies we all love.

Time for modeling about 40 hours. Print time about 80-90 hours. My biggest project so far.

The scale is 1:19000 (about 1 meter long)!

I already uploaded the model to YouMagine:

https://www.youmagine.com/designs/super-star-destroyer-executor 13

The pictures are rendered from my model. I will add some photos when the print is finished.


Edit: I added some pictures of the progress. I’m still printing. :wink:


Edit2: Print and assembly is done. Added some photos. Also made a wall holder and a info-sign.

Thank you very much! How do I get the two rolls of Colorfabb Ngen? I got no message from you.

Thanks in advance for your help.