You clearly didn’t read that the up vote system is not how it is rated but by a Ultimaker and 3d Hubs Jury? They changed it about 2 weeks ago.
So cool
Thank you all for the very kind words on my collaborative effort in making this goofy, but original piece we created that we felt could have existed within the Star Wars universe branching from the inspiration that came from the SNL Kylo Ren Undercover Boss short.
As a whole I’m actually VERY surprised such little deliberation was involved in the decision making and wonder if the staff had truly taken the time and consideration to really look at every entry here based on how fast this contest came to a close and was decided upon. I do believe this competition had a set of rules that the submitted creations had to be of something that has yet to be introduced into the Star Wars universe and not alternate artistic versions of things that already exist (and won’t ever exist in the universe that way because they already are as we have been presented).
I can take not winning just fine. I am extremely proud of this piece and had one of the best times of my creative life helping be a part of making something that started from absolutely nothing, to becoming something that sits on my desk right now. We really believed in this one and had a good feeling others would get a good kick out of it. Thank you everyone for the great feedback and up votes! Congratulations to the winners.
Oh. Thank you
Before anything else, congrats to the winners, those were some awesome entries, I will definitely print that Super Star Destroyer.
Having said that… serioulsy? Acording to the rules “Final Submission Date : March 21, 2016”, it’s still March 21.
I was finishing my print, (I know it was cutting it close, but the printer decided two days ago to break on me), and was hoping to submit it today, you guys need to write better rules, this was a mess from the start.
Use your tablet or smartphone to create a StarWars lamp with this 3d print.
While charging your tablet in this accessory you have a lucent StarWars lamp.
Load a free app f.ex. “LightTemperatur” or “flashlight” on your device, make it lucent and put it into the stand. Choose the colour you like, suitable to the colour of your room or to your mood.
To charge your device while it works as a mood-light put the charging-cable through the slim opening on both sides of the stand. At the back of the stand you can find an opening to insert your device easily.
If you like to use the lamp without your device, you can use a self-adhesive LED-stripe, just like a real lamp.
You can scale the STL files for the size of your device.
Have fun with the “StarWars-Light”!
(the bb8 standing on the stand comes from thingiverse 2)
BaseLeft.stl (4.85 MB)
BaseRight.stl (4.54 MB)
UpperBack01.stl (281 KB)
UpperBack02.stl (285 KB)
UpperFront01.stl (1.75 MB)
UpperFront02.stl (459 KB)
Yes. I noticed that before if you look up top right when Simona told us to ask if there was any questions and I knew immediately a time deadline was left out and tried to ask for everyone but it was never answered. Looks like a few others had asked later in the contest too without avail. The contest was quite a disaster in the way it was handled. Hope 3DHubs learn something from this experience. I wish we could have seen your entry. =(
Hi everyone!
I thought the deadline was today at 23:59. Silly me.
Anyways I have been working on a sculpted Vader pencil holder(+misc holder) for the contest. The prop can also go on the tip of the car hood or on the interior as awesome decor haha. I skipped class for it but it seems I might not be able to enter.
I wanted the model to be easily printable and printer friendly so no Critical layers(tested on the Retina Software) and it is sub 100k polys. It was tough and alot of corrections made but I kept the printer friendly-ness in mind constantly while sculpting while keeping important details and pose. Most printers are able to print this. It is meant to be printed upright for FDM printers. This has been heavily sculpted and I wanted a detailed companion close to Yoda. If the contest ended at the end of the month it would have allowed for me to finish sculpting Obi-Wan and Anakin. There are two versions. One is with the cape and the other without if you want to save material for checking calibration detail. Enjoy for the moment!
Vader.stl 1 (5.04 MB)
VaderwoCape-ByDecadia.stl 1 (3.47 MB)
Not your fault. They never properly stated a time deadline nor time zone. This is a high quality model. Great job. Did you try printing this yet? Can this be printed properly without support? Left arm may be trouble?
Thanks, I did spend lots of hours on this model to bring the quality up enough for the Yoda companion.
I aim to have others print this happily without supports.
I’m having it printed without supports myself and so far so good. I posed the left arm just at the right angle to have 0 critical layers but if other people have issues I can raise it a bit more. I dont currently have a FDM printer with me so I’ll be testing it out at school. Thanks for the comment!
Congrats! Great work.
I can not believe the winner was a 3D printing service who does it for a living & already have there own 3D printer. Talk about unfair is this another case of a rigged contest? I feel total cheated by this
I don’t even own a printer and had to have my good friend run the 48 parts and overnight them to be to make this thing happen. I didn’t know the winner was a company that actively provided services and did this stuff professionally.
Perhaps 3DHubs should have had stipulations on WHO could enter. You can’t get upset at Axis Labs as they didn’t do anything wrong. It’s a position you can take advantage of when those rules don’t apply It all falls on the people responsible for the contest who didn’t think this through well at all.
Hey @GIFT3D, apologies for the late reply. We share the same concerns as you, which is why about 3 weeks ago we announced switching from upvotes to a jury to assess the contest entries. Please see Simona’s message below:
‘Judging Criteria Update: Together with Ultimaker we saw the issues in the upvoting system for the design entries. For this reason we’ve changed the judging criteria system from upvotes to a jury, which will be composed by Ultimaker and 3D Hubs. The winner of the competition will be declared on March 21st. In this way everyone will have enough time to create and print the best Star Wars gadget around. Hope this can solve any issue around the competition. If you’ve any question, please ask’
Hi Wes, really sorry for failing to get back to you in due time. Fair point though, we’ll make sure to communicate the exact details of of when a contest ends moving forward. I do hope you got to enter the competition in the end! Thanks for understanding
Hey @GIFT3D, albeit too late, let me to clear things for you. Multiple entries are definitely allowed, whether in the same comment or not, otherwise we would have mentioned it in the competition brief. Hope this helps.
Hey @tanwalin @edthomp @ItsATrap, thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that we certainly weren’t pressured in any way to end the contest sooner. I do agree however that we could’ve handled this contest better, and as one of the largest competition we hosted on Talk, there’s definitely a lot to learn from the experience.
@tanwalin I’m sorry you didn’t get to show us your project! I hope you’ll still share it with the community here on Talk.
Congrats, well deserved indeed! Looking forward to seeing the printer put to good use Cheers
Mike, the only thing I can say to that to hopefully make you feel less cheated, is keep in mind this is a 3D Hubs hosted contest. 3D hubs is literally a network of 3D printer owners using printers as a service. 95%+ of us on here already have machines that we try and use professionally, and why we have a hub in the first place.
The only thing different with me, instead of doing it from home, I rented an office space to teach classes too, and yes, I’m trying to turn it into something full time. However I assure, sadly most days it doesn’t even pay for my lunch lol.
I’m sorry you are mad at me for it, but I assure you, any machine I have works it’s butt off off for limb different children, community events, and local school groups. I put that before everything.
I’m not mad at you your doing a good thing for your community. It’s the way the contest was run. I feel cheated because I have mental health problems and are house bound, I could never afford a 3D printer of my own and I have entered many 3D printing contests and have never won a thing and it adds to my spiralling depression which does not help
all of my points were answer and I appreciate the response
I created a replica of the lightsaber Luke Skywalker ANH.
I did the internal chassis to make a replica of the film my way.
There are brass parts turned by a friend.
It is made with metal, 3D printing, welding, motherboards sound and light management.
He is also scheduled to fight
Thank you for choosing me for the third place. There were many awesome entries to compete with.
This is my version of the Super Star Destroyer - Executor from the well known science-fiction-movies we all love.
Time for modeling about 40 hours. Print time about 80-90 hours. My biggest project so far.
The scale is 1:19000 (about 1 meter long)!
I already uploaded the model to YouMagine: 13
The pictures are rendered from my model. I will add some photos when the print is finished.
Edit: I added some pictures of the progress. I’m still printing.
Edit2: Print and assembly is done. Added some photos. Also made a wall holder and a info-sign.
Thank you very much! How do I get the two rolls of Colorfabb Ngen? I got no message from you.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi i’m just to finish printing but i wanted to join the competition and i hope you’ll enjoy it
Senza Titolo 3.stl (1.09 MB)
it nice and i believe you will win this