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Apr 2017

Hey all,

I have had my FFCP for about 7 months and had print quality issues on and off while using Simplify as my slicer. I have had every issue from prints not sticking to not enough filament being extruded. My main issue right now is that when the print is running the filament comes out in a super thin line that in a lot of cases doesn’t reach the outline of the print.

To contrast, when I use ReplicatorG as my slicer the print comes out perfect with the standard settings. I have tried adjusting the extrusion settings in Simplify but it never really seems to help.

Does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong here?

  • created

    Apr '17
  • last reply

    Jun '17
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First thing I would do is a complete reset of S3D. Under the help menu. What printer profile did you select?

Next I would go back through bed leveling and running the calibration cube to see how it comes out. Until that is run and any small adjustments made you’ll be filling a tire without patching the hole.

Some additional info would help also such as material, temps, speeds etc.

Thanks for the response.

Material: ABS

Bed temp: 110

Extruder temp: 240

Printer profile: FFCP

Speed: it is the standard preset (I have tried to slow it down but it really doesn’t make too much of a difference.)

I can create a calibration cube tonight when I get home and upload a picture of that plus the design I tried to print last night and how it came out all stringy.

I have tried resetting S3D and I have leveled the bed too many times to count. The bed level isn’t the issue because RepG works perfectly fine with my bed level.

Ok, and the bed level can contribute. Two different slicers could position the bed slightly different for the first layer. Most everyone is going to tell you - level, level and level, then level again until you go crazy! It is the one most important thing to have down cold. It isn’t just about the level but the gap between the bed and nozzle to get that important first layer.

Temps are ok. You could drop the temps to 230 and 100 or so after the first layer. Also make sure the side parts cooling fan does not run for ABS.

I print ABS at about 2000-2400mm/min base speed.

The reset on S3D is just to make sure it didn’t get whacked out. Mine does it sometimes.

What is the bed material? Just the blue stuff that came on it?

I have leveled the bed 5 times before I start printing. I have tried leveling a hot bed and a cold bed and had the same results. I promise it is not the bed leveling causing this. It is almost like not enough filament is coming out with S3D.

I am using a glass print bed attached to the metal plate with some printed corners. The glass sort of helps with adhesion when I use ABS juice with it…

I gotcha on the level. It just gets overlooked a lot with print issues.

Glass is a good surface. I use hair spray or glue stick on mine for PLA and ABS. ABS juice is good for ABS but is messy but if it is working then good.

I would level with cold extruder (end clean of filament) and the bed a print temp. Always level with the nozzle only over the adjuster screw. Anywhere else doesn’t matter.

Run calibration cube at S3D defautls (except for speed. Turn it down) for the FFCP and see how it goes.

Basics should be.

Nozzle - .4 assuming stock

Extrusion multiplier - 1

Extrusion width - I use .4

I use the right nozzle for ABS and make sure the fan is off under cooling.

Okay I will try all of that tonight and report back my results. Hopefully the calibration cube will give me some insights on what is going on with the prints.

Thanks so much for the help. This issue has been plaguing me for months…

One thing I like to do is set it to do 2-3 skirts around the part (not touching which is a brim) before it starts the print. It is probably set for 2 already. This seems to help it get started extruding and kind of stabilize.

Just out of interest, what are you using to test the gap when levelling? Try starting a print with a one layer skirt (so you end up with a single line, one layer thick) then look at how it’s been laid down. It should be flat (i.e. squished between the bed and nozzle) but not so much that it becomes thin in the middle or bulges at the edges. If it’s rounded, your nozzle is too high, if it’s bulging or too thin, the nozzle is too low. If you’ve printed your cube, some clear shots of the bottom will also help diagnose first layer problems.

Nicely done!! My guess would be a little over extrusion maybe by looking at the tops but that is ok. I get similar looks on smaller ABS parts also. ABS can be a beast but it can teach a lot also!

That is the whole point of the exercise with calibration cubes is to find these things out!

What temps and speed?

2 months later

Hey, sorry I took so long to respond the site didn’t email me!

I am using the temps and speeds you suggested above:

Speed: 2300 mm/min

Bed temp: 110 - first layer, 100 - second layer

Extruder temp: 240 - first layer, 230 - second layer

It seems to be working much much better now with some minor hiccups here and there. You have helped tremendously just with those simple adjustments. Thanks a lot!