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Sep 2016

Hi there,

I have recently taken the plunge and purchased simplify 3D, however I cannot seem to get it up and running properly. I have the CTC dual, and although it seems to have a profile which can be loaded when you install the software, these settings seem way to fast!

If I leave the settings as standard I get a very “bobbly” print. It seems like it is moving way to fast for my extruder. The only way I can get a good print is to slow everything down (where it takes over 2 hours for a 20c test cube) Is there anyone with the same printer who has a different experience?

Any advice would be awesome

Thanks for your time

  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Sep '16
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A picture is worth a thousand words. Make a photo of the “bobbly” print and show us:)

Looks like your extruder might not be able to keep up with the speed. Do you hear clicking sounds near the extruder motor while printing? You could try to raise the temperature by 10-15 degrees and see if that helps. Make sure your idler tension is set up correctly.

Simplify3d is great software. However, it assumes things are as they should be, and that is seldom the case.

Once you get it dialed in properly, you will be very happy with it.

You should be able to go 30-60 mm/s.

Start by: Measuring your filament in a few places, and make sure that number is in your setup.

Changing the extrusion width with some practice cubes.

Use good quality filament.

Hi thanks for your reply,

Yes I hear a small clicking noise when extruding tried upping the temp and it seemed to get worse?

Do you think it would be worth upgrading my extruder to something like this:

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:231310 24

Would that make any difference?

Sorry to be a novice, but what is the idler tension?

Thanks again for your time

So your extruder should have a drive gear mounted on the motor (something like this http://e3d-online.com/Extruders/Hobb-Goblin-5mm 6) and the idler is the part, that presses the filament from the other side (http://bikealive.nl/tl\_files/3D\_printing/Creatr/Spring\_loaded\_idler\_v1/IMG\_4367.JPG the part on the right of the drive gear).

On most printers this can be tightened (it’s most commonly tensioned by a spring mechanism with a screw). You could try adjusting the tension, maybe it’s too loose.

Thanks for the advice, here is a pic of my current extruder. It does not seem to have a spring I can change settings with. I have however made sure it is spinning freely, and seems to spin ok.

And what are your speed and layer height settings for this. Also, what material are you using?

Hi there,

I am using PLA my layer height is 0.2

and have attached my speed settings

Thanks again

I assume nozzle diameter of 0.4mm. So you’re printing at 60mm/s, which may be too fast. Most printers give best results quality wise at about 30-40mm/s (in your case just multiply this by 60). If what I suspect is true - some bottleneck either in extruder setup or maybe your hotend, your feed rate (the speed you try to extrude your filament with) might be just too high, especially when you confirm that you hear clicking sounds during print (which indicate filament slipping, and thus, underextrusion resulting in worsening of print quality). I’d experiment with print speed, starting from halve value and going up by small (300mm/min maybe?) increments.

If you want to print faster, you should consider changing the extruder assembly to something that will grip the filament better. One last thing - there might be people that help you with your current setup, more knowledgeable than I am. You could try postng all you Simplify3D setting for their sake, maybe someone will spot something else to tune :).
