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21 / 24
Dec 2018

Yes, the black wooden frame and dual nozzles. Here is what I got on my initial layer today:

I confirmed my suspicion that the clicking (sounds like gears struggling) coming from the extruder coincides with inconsistent thickness in the filament being extruded. If left to continue the model continues being built similarly to the model in the first picture (on the right side). The base is no where as dense as the test image suggests it should be. Also the nozzle occasionally bumps into the extruded layers while building.

Ok i have the same printer and would like for you to put on some new 3m blue tape if you have any and level the print bed. I am going to send you a file to print it will be and X3G file so just load it directly onto the SD and print. no need to slice i’m going to slice it in S3D with my settings. Are you using PLA or ABS?

I am using PLA but do not have the SD card. Could a SD card from a video camera replace it?

When i said size i meant physical appearance of the card not the GB of memory. I think if your running sailfish it can handle up to 16GB card not sure though. I have always used the 4GB card that came with the printer

also save any photo’s on the card to pc and reformat the card to FAT32.

almost forgot. When you level the bed be sure to preheat the bed to 50C then to the leveling procedure.

Verry important to make sure you preheat the bed to 50c then level it. B4 printing that file

15 days later

Saw how help full you were. Mine prints well but I can’t get the second head to print. Can you help? Hopeful you have a dual head.

Hey Donblevins

Did you select which head to print with in makerbot desktop? When you put your print file through makerbot desktop software you need to click on the model then click the Object information icon on the left (Its a picture of the letter i). Once you have done that you can then selsct which extruder you want to use.

Hope this helps



Hey Donblevins

Did you select which head to print with in makerbot desktop? When you put your print file through makerbot desktop software you need to click on the model then click the Object information icon on the left (Its a picture of the letter i). Once you have done that you can then selsct which extruder you want to use.

Hope this helps



Yes I have the same printer, I use makerbot desktop software. That printer is based on the replicator dual (attached) Which slicer are you currently using? I may be able to help with that particular software. Makerbot%20Replicator%20Original

Heres My printer below. I have made a few modifications to make prints better.



Yes I have the same printer, I use makerbot desktop software. That printer is based on the replicator dual (attached) Which slicer are you currently using? I may be able to help with that particular software. Makerbot%20Replicator%20Original

Heres My printer below. I have made a few modifications to make prints better.

