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Feb 2017


I recently bought a replacement motherboard for my flashforge creator pro, as the last one went out.

I have two problems with it, after installation, the right extruder heats up as hot as it possibly can (300c) and then gives me an error. The print bed also heats up, and unless I am doing a dual extrusion print, I cannot have the printer even ON without having the right extruder burn up. I doubt I wired it wrong, as I switched the wiring many times for optimal performance.

If anyone has any idea what the heck is going on, please inform me.



  • created

    Feb '17
  • last reply

    Feb '17
  • 9


  • 1.1k


  • 4


Update: Now the right extruder doesn’t heat up at all. I go into the settings and try to preheat it, and does nothing. And, print bed doesnt heat up automatically, which is good. :slight_smile:

There is also a small red light on the motherboard that turns on. I don’t know if that means anything bad? Just wondering if it means my board is dead. That would be bad considering i JUST bought this brand new board for my FF creator pro.

Just a hunch, but check nozzle thermistor if it is still ok. Switch or get a good thermistor and try it out.

You wouldn’t happen to have a generic or non flashforge heater cartridge in your extruder would you? Mine did that once after replacing the heating element with a generic one. It would heat up super quickly, and before it was able keep track of its temperature it would get as hot as 320c and trigger the tool failure warning. Short term, I just turned the printer off, while it was warming up. I would turn it off when it heated to about 175, and when I turned it back on it would read around 240. Then I would just let it preheat again. The nozzle would cool to the correct temp, and hold fairly steady for even long prints. Long term I obviously replaced the cartridge and the thermi to be on the safe side. Those screw in thermi’s can go bad pretty easy, espicaly if your screwing them on and off, while twisting up their wires.

Yeah, I just talked with the support guy. It’s the thermsistor. The red and white wires inside of the blue sleeve…

Yeah, I’m talking with the support guy right now and I ordered a new thermocouple. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

