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Feb 2017

Thanks for replying Perry_1,

I just figured out it is the thermocouple that is messed up. Somehow a print wedged between the hotend and the wire, twisting it midprint. (I was printing CSGO karambits as a test, but they are long with little surface area and decided to curl to the point they came off the print bed.)

So I am going to throw in some additional advice. If you think you have a bad thermocouple, just replace it. If it shorts to the board, you will be getting a new board. When it shorts itself, it can send 24v down the 5 v rail. So if you think it could do this, replace it immediately. Just an FYI.

Yeah, I’m talking with the support guy right now and I ordered a new thermocouple. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

