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Sep 2014

Hi everyone,

I just had an order that went direct to my phone during the night… Because I sometimes feel sleepy, I was not able to answer within half an hour which is my current average.

I was wondering if it were not a good idea to implement “open hours” for the hubs or for regions. This implementation will directly affect the hub quality and, in fact, the overall 3DHubs quality and I really think that customers could understand that hub owners could sleep between 3am and 3:30am! :wink:

What do you think, 3DHubs responsibles, hubs owners?

  • created

    Sep '14
  • last reply

    Feb '16
  • 6


  • 579


  • 6


Hey GloomySparker,

I think that makes perfect sense. We’re actually not supposed to text you between 10pm and 8am, based on your location settings. So we should adjust our response time mesurement based on that indeed.

We’ll put it on the roadmap! Thanks for sharing.


Hi GloomySparker,

that makes a lot of sense!! It also crossed my mind but you beat me to it :wink: !

Of course it is fair to allow Hubs to be “ofline” some time during the day. I would even suggest that the timeframe should be defined by the Hubs so they can deside what timeframe they are available or not. For Hubs that do this next to their “normal” job it is even a must I would say and for businesses it may be just the other way around. If the response timeframe is stated on the Hubs’ profile the (potential) client can see what he/she can expect and everybody will be even happier :wink: !

It would also be nice to be able to state whether you are ofline for a particular timeframe without being “off the air” so clients can deside if they want to wait for you to be available again or not. But that is a different topic I guess.

Kind regards, Guy

12 days later

I would also add my vote for this. It has occurred to me before but I forgot to add it to my last feedback.

1 year later

I also have frequent order submissions during night time. The really bad thing is that the response clock ist still running then. So my response time got worse. Not in a way the customer would yet realise but significantly.

I don’t understand why the clock cannot be stopped DURING THE TIMES NO TEXT MESSAGES ARE SENT. The mechanism already exists. Make it happen, please.

3 months later

This still doesn’t seem to have happened and the whole time hubs are being penalised for not responding to order enquiries whilst we are asleep!

Nearly all of my orders are placed in the evening and so (naturally) I can’t respond until the next morning, by which time I’ve already received a reminder.

This is ridiculous and surely not too difficult to change?

Any news?