Perfect condition, very large 12x12x24 inch build volume. Full working thouch screen, easy to use out of the box. Amazing build quality perfect for your large projects.
Feb '17last reply
Feb '17- 8
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Perfect condition, very large 12x12x24 inch build volume. Full working thouch screen, easy to use out of the box. Amazing build quality perfect for your large projects.
SORRY bullshit my printer is rubbish !
Raise 3d Sells bad 3D printers to europe !
my hottend has a wrong hole V1 not V2 and the V2 nozzle destroyed !!!
Wait it’s for sale? Where is it located? How much??
Absolutely love my Raise3D N2. Fantastic print quality, huge build volume. Only thing I don’t like is how the filament is fed into the printer. Has to fight gravity too much but doesn’t seem to effect print quality so whatever. Phillip, just FYI, that won’t effect print quality as long as the barrel and the nozzle are properly joined but all four of mine do not rotate. Based on the cleanliness of your extruders too, it looks like you have have abused the extruder causing it to come loose. Luckily it’s easy to replace if it bugs you. 2 they are $3300. If you mention ArtLab3D during sale, you help me out but it’s not required. Got any questions, feel free to ask.
No this is the first print ! and damage
If that was your first print, then the user error is even worse. There’s no way that the material can cake on there and burn like that without negligence.
That’s horrible! you should absolutely sell it! I will offer you 1,000 to take that scrapheap off your hands. ( It’s for science!)