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Dec 2017

It seems like the Position in both sides is Not the same. How Can i fix this ?

I would be returning it for an exchange. Fixing it might not be hard but with it being that far off who knows what might be bent or messed up.

Looks bad but is anything bent or broken on the carriages? Did the carriage pop off the bearings on the left hand side? If everything looks okay try loosening the belt and lining everything up.

First you need to turn it off, get a flash light or use your cell phone to light up the gantry from below. Now what you need to do is to release the Y axis belt on one side (I recommend the left belt) and once it’s released you can push the gantry all the way back and align it and then tighten the belt. To do this, follow the two gantry rods to the left, you’ll see a plastic joint connecting the gantry to the Y axis, right on top of the plastic joint there are two sets of cavities with the same teeth size of the belt and the two heads of the belt are sitting into those. I recommend to pull out the one facing to the front of the printer so when you push the gantry all the way back to align it you still have some space for your fingers to push the belt head back into the cavity. And there might be some belt tensioner springs attached to the belts as well, make sure to keep them on the belt in a proper location while doing the alignment.

In addition to the belts and tensioners on each side, you should also double check where the gears and bearings attach in the upper corners. My Creator Pro was dropped during shipping and it knocked the gears and bearings in the upper front corners loose causing them to track sideways. You can remove the plastic side panels from both sides by removing the screws that hold them (careful with the left side panel as the Y-axis endstop switch is attached there). And then you will be able to see into those corners to check yours. On mine, once I removed the panels I was able to press the gears and their bearings back into the holders and snap them back into position. Then, do as the others described here and reposition and retention the belts connecting the gantry and it should be as good as new…