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Jan 2017

You can obtain good results, but the mesh definition will be much lower than smaller object like a head.

If you need only mesh and no texture I would buy an older version of the scanner.

The last version gives you a really define texture but it requires more time and better PC to run without loosing tracking.

You will always have some holes to fix in the model.

Stereophotogrammetry (with software like Photoscan) would be a better choice, but you need a more expensive setting.

Hi Daniel,

i have the isense 3D scanner and can get okay results with just a scan of a human head. I havent had good results scanning an entire body, however there are a few tricks…

scan first the back of the body capturing the head and feet, then move in and rotate to just capture the head of the person you are scanning, you can then move out and capture the rest of the body - thats how i get my best results, although still not great.

good for a hobby but not good for professional use.
