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May 2016

Hello all !

Has anyone used QIDI Tech and Simplify 3D software together? I’m thinking of purchasing but not sure if it is worth $150…

It’s a makerbot/flash forge clone. I use simplify with flash forges everyday. Simplify is worth thousands of dollars in increased productivity and time savings. It’s a bargain at $150.

Cool…Thanks for that. I have been looking into it and the only downside is that they don’t offer a trial version LOL…I really like to support open source but too many folks are recommending it. I will be downloading it this weekend.

2 months later
17 days later
1 year later

If you haven’t tried Flashprint with the Tech-1 yet, give it a shot. Use the Creator Pro as the printer. Does a good job.
S3D is definitely great with these type printers though.