Thanks for everyone being here and willing to share their experiences and knowledge. I bought a (please don’t laugh) a CTC Printer (Dual extruder). Pulled it out of the box a week ago. Could NOT get the software to work for anything (all in Chinese). A friend said to use MakerBot free software. So, I downloaded it and it seems to be working pretty well. Printed a couple small things pretty nice. They had some issues, but thought it was me and just learning. Then all of a sudden the prints were going crazy. Sticking to the extruder, moving off the bed, globbing, stringy and a bunch of other NOOB things. Did some searching and apparently I was running things too hot. Had the extruder running around 250 and around 110 for the bed. Reading and reading it seems I should be dropping things down a little. So, I have the bed around 50 and the extruder around 205. Things seem to print MUCH nicer, cleaner and regulated.
Okay… Great. Now when I print it seems I can not print anything unless I print a RAFT first. So, to even try I printed a flat print about .5" high and about 4" by about 3". Printed about three or four layers and then it started shifting and moving around on the bed so the print messed up. Okay, same print with a raft - perfect! The raft is only about 1/8" bigger than the actual print. So, my question is what would cause this effect. I see videos of a lot of people printing smaller objects with the same printer without a raft. Is the bed still too hot? is the extruder still to hot or too cold?
I haven’t tried to lower the settings much more than they are. Is it advisable?
Feb '16last reply
May '16- 21
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