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Feb 2016

Yeah it does work better. It’s definitely worth investing a little more time! :slight_smile: What material are you printing with?

I’m quite happy that one of the arms on the bed of the video is dropping, mines done exactly the same! I have to loosen the left ones completely!!

You can buy metal arms or extra braces , or even print extra bracing to stop/fix this.

Good idea, I was tempted to get some aluminium arms machined. Are they easy to fit do you think?

Printing PLA right now. Figured I would get the easy stuff down first. I’ll have to try that Glue Stick trick. heard it a few times now in various places.

Here are the pictures of the 20mm cube. If you look at the bottom, the PLA seems to be far apart in places. On the corner of one, there seems to be a separation, but it really isn’t a separation. Then on the top there seems to be a little bit of waviness going on where it looks like the plastic was pretty warm and it started to sink into the infill. The infill was only 10 % fast honeycomb.
Top wavy.jpg Bottom.jpg Side-Bad corner.jpg

205 is a little hot for PLA… My calibration cube did he same at 200… I use 195 for PLA… (and 70 is the recommended bed temperature)

I use a cooling fan which helps with sagging a lot. There are various designs out there - I use thing:537918 (requires a bit of extra cabling for an additional fan).