I have never worked on a 4500 for long time but I know the 660 may be the most reliable printer 3dsystems has to offer. However if you plan to produce very fragile parts it will be better with the 4500 than the 660 as those parts are Solid when finished printing. Removing excess Core from the build on a 660 can cause damage and or take a very long time to finish. I hope you find that helpful.
We have had a 660 for two years and never had a failed print. Always kept in clean and maintain and printed like a dream. Never use the 4500 as colours were not vibrant enough. Happy to help if you want some test prints done. Isodo3d.com 3
You are experiencing the 4500 cyclone death spiral. I had a few clients that had bought this unit from 3ds and they had nothing but problems. 3ds would not own up to it but they recently cancelled the product. The 460, 660 and 860 are good products and very reliable. If you will contact me directly, I may be able to get you one at wholesale prices. I am a 3d dealer and printing services business in sc. We use the 460 in our operations and it is the most reliable printer I have. My office line is 888 914 7476. Good luck
Perhaps you can further discribe the problems you are facing with your 4500. It is best to evaluate this before commenting on the reliablity of the 660 particularly if it does not do what you purchased the 4500 for.
I personally do not own a 4500 but I do know a lot about them. I have been using the tech for 11 years.
The problems you will face with a 660 or 650 (and there will be problems) will pale in comparison to the BS you’ll get from a 4500. If your customer base will take powder parts, switch, yesterday.
Hello, in our Service Bureau we had first the 460 plus, Then the 4500 (the first version) and now the 660 pro.
we had a lot of problems with the 4500, most of them solved with the updates, in the beginning it was impossible to finish big jobs. All the CJP family needs a very accurate maintaince process,machines have to Be clean but with the 4500 it’s very difficult beacause of the materials. Printhead is very expencive and it’seasier to damage it with failures, this kind of problems are not present in the 660 pro beacause it uses more fluid binders, powder runs better in the overflows and printhead are simple HP 11, easy to change. 660 pro is a lot faster then the 4500, materials are less expencive ( the half!), Platform is bigger and prototypes have more resolution and better colors. This are probabily the reason why 3D systems doesn’t produce the 4500 anymore. The only real advantage of the 4500 is the hardness of the material just out of the machine but only after long and expencive curing Times.
in our opinion the 660 pro is better, a stable and affordable machine, faster and productive, i hope this Could Be useful for you. Bye