I have been having problems with the High Resolution prints.Kindly assist.
Aug '14last reply
Aug '14- 15
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I have been having problems with the High Resolution prints.Kindly assist.
What kind of printer do you have ? I’m sure @Luuk could share some good tips
I own a Makerbot Replicator 2x in Nairobi,Kenya.Its in a Tropical Zone.
Wow that’s cool!
Maybe @ProdPoint @key23d or @James_2 can help you out. I guess you need to specifiy a bit more what you mean with “high definition prints” though
When I set the Makerbot to print in high resolution,hence high definition prints, the extruder stops extruding consistently and starts to “spit” after some time.then later stops completely. On reseting and trying again I still get the same problem over and over. Please assist
Hi Amos, I think you are hinting at the fact that you may have damp filament. What filament are you using, how old is it and how are you storing it? How old is the machine and have you done good prints before? James
Could you post a picture?
As @James_2 mentioned damp filament also comes into question if you are using PLA.
Does the problem persist if you go back to standard quality?
I use ABS Filament.and when I print standard quality or low,I don’t get this problem. and also I don’t think they are damp as I store them in a shelf and the room is not humid. As for the Makerbot,barely a year old.probably 11months @James_2 @ProdPoint
Let me look for the pictures for the prints I did in high resolution and I will upload in a while.
By spits do you mean clicks?
I don’t use makerbot machines but have read a lot about the issues with the clicking extruders - at high res you are putting the plastic under more pressure and so can experience steppers slipping - time for you to ask on a speclaist makerbot forum - Makerbot users (google group) has just been closed, but 3d printer tips and tricks isopen and if you describe the issue on there there are lots of MB users who can walk you though the issue and help you get on track. (Redirecting to Google Groups) there is also makerbot users Redirecting to Google Groups but the best IMHO is Redirecting to Google Groups
Thanx James for the links.I will follow up the issue on those forums. Regards, Amos.
In fact, I was about to post a similar problem…
I will try to be more specific:
On some prints, the extruded material is not consistent. Look on the photos below.
I tried
Results for 1,2 and 3 looked exactly the same: a layer is not well printed
Result 4: I stopped the print because the filament was slipping into the extruder and no more material went to the hotend.
I heard about that mod in Thingiverse and about Makerbot telling it is a great mod… Do you think it is related? Worth of it?http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:53125
Please, give a bit of help so I can print that order!
Hi again,
This is outside my personal expertise, but I know a few super Hubs with Makerbots. @LeMonde3D_Paris, @jwwirtz, @KHAN, @rioprintocom, @Matterthings Any of you guys can help out here?
Hi, I’m not sure if it’s airprint or not.
Those problem can happen in many situations.
1st reason is the material. Is it the first time you’re using PLA on the 2X?
If so, chances are your Rep 2X isn’t “ready” to print PLA. They used to say it prints both but out of the box it doesn’t. If that’s the case, I’ll let you know how you can overcome this problem.
Otherwise, it can be the common problem of the extruder.
One radical fix is to change it by a custom one made with ABS (Replicator 2X Extruder Drive Block Upgrade by rmcniff - Thingiverse 1). Once you do that, you can print any filament no matter what its quality is. Which brings to the 3rd issue.
The filament. If the quality is bad, the diameter musn’t be consistant so you can either change your profile (custom) after you used a caliper to know (on x and y axis of the filament to make sure it’s not oval) the size of the filament (real size vs theory).
It can happen with MB filaments too…
Oh and check your leveling of the bed. If you’re too close, as the layers are thin, maybe not enough plastic can come out.
Hello Amos!
Solution to your problem, 99.9% guranteed!!!
1. To start do the extruder block upgrade Replicator 2X Extruder Drive Block Upgrade by rmcniff - Thingiverse 1 recommended by @KHAN
2. Every time that I have the faulty layers it is one of these two problems:
A) Specially ABS and the old Colorfabb (in black spool) leave residues which make a burnt crust inside the walls of the extruder. You need to clean it every 150 hours. I use this great and simple tool by Henry Thomas Nozzle cleaning tool by whpthomas - Thingiverse This has solved the problem every time.
You will begin to hear the clicking sound as the filament struggles to slide. The result is a series of spits instead of an even flow of filament. This is more apparent when extruding long lines.
B) Tangled filament. when you change spools be careful to put the tip of the filament trough one of the holes that you find at the edge of every spool. It is important to keep the filament tight in the spool because otherwise it gets tangled, every time that the extruder motor has problems pulling it from the spool, it will result in a missing part on the layer being laid.
3. Store your filament in a plastic bag with some dissecant or rice in it. Damp filament makes little bubbles of steam that explode resulting in objects with a sandpaper texture. The higher the resolution, the rougher it will feel. Look with a magnifying glass and you will see them specially in black filament.
Have a great weekend!
Claudia and José