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Aug 2018

I have a Printrbot simple pro printer and had exclusivley printed via the Printrbot cloud service. Printrbot is now out of business and the cloud site is dead. I would like to print with Cura from my Mac. Does anyone have instructions to set this up. The instructions have also been removed from the internet via Pintrbot’s site.


  • created

    Aug '18
  • last reply

    Aug '18
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  • 5


Is there a difference between the printrbot simple pro vs the simple metal?

Just heard the sad news about Printrbot. What about support, geeting spare parts for Printrbot users?

https://ubishotends.com 59 will assume the support for some of the crucial parts of the Printrbots (hot ends, electronic boards …) They are working on a solution for all printrbot pros. it will take some time before they get back to us. It may also require a firmware update if they can’t get back the server names used for the service.

Yes. The Simple Pro has a touch screen and was designed for cloud based slicing and wireless transfer to the printer. Many people hated the cloud service, but I actually liked it and used it exclusively. The cloud service is gone now that Printrbot is gone. I now have no way to transfer my prints from my design software to the printer. There is a way to do it with Cura via a Mac and a certain firmware upgrade, but the directions are gone now that Printrbot is gone.

I’d recommend checking out running astroprint or octoprint off a raspberry pi. They handle driving the printer and are slicer agnostic. Astroprint has cura integrated into their cloud interface.

I agree with @alexholman and I use octoprint everyday. Its amazing and more information can be found here https://octoprint.org/ 33. However if you want to use cura you can just plug it in and run the machine wizard in the setup functions as found here http://printrbot.com/project/simple-metal/ 87 The homepage may not link anywhere but the website is still functional if you use google. I highly recommend printing off the manuals because this wont last forever. This is where you want to start looking and I recommend you use this guide https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9oj0J-4qhdjdVpsS1hzY1B5ZFk/view 84

Actually, if you loved the cloud based slicing and touch screen printer control I’d really check out Astroprint, and specifically the Astrobox. That sounds like it’d be a great replacement for the now defunct Printrbot cloud. That is not to dismiss Octoprint btw, I personally use and love Octoprint.