I have a Printrbot simple pro printer and had exclusivley printed via the Printrbot cloud service. Printrbot is now out of business and the cloud site is dead. I would like to print with Cura from my Mac. Does anyone have instructions to set this up. The instructions have also been removed from the internet via Pintrbot’s site.
August 11, 2018, 6:48am
Is there a difference between the printrbot simple pro vs the simple metal?
Just heard the sad news about Printrbot. What about support, geeting spare parts for Printrbot users?
https://ubishotends.com will assume the support for some of the crucial parts of the Printrbots (hot ends, electronic boards …) They are working on a solution for all printrbot pros. it will take some time before they get back to us. It may also require a firmware update if they can’t get back the server names used for the service.
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Thanks. That sounds hopeful at least!
Yes. The Simple Pro has a touch screen and was designed for cloud based slicing and wireless transfer to the printer. Many people hated the cloud service, but I actually liked it and used it exclusively. The cloud service is gone now that Printrbot is gone. I now have no way to transfer my prints from my design software to the printer. There is a way to do it with Cura via a Mac and a certain firmware upgrade, but the directions are gone now that Printrbot is gone.
I’d recommend checking out running astroprint or octoprint off a raspberry pi. They handle driving the printer and are slicer agnostic. Astroprint has cura integrated into their cloud interface.
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August 11, 2018, 7:59pm
I agree with @alexholman and I use octoprint everyday. Its amazing and more information can be found here https://octoprint.org/ . However if you want to use cura you can just plug it in and run the machine wizard in the setup functions as found here http://printrbot.com/project/simple-metal/ The homepage may not link anywhere but the website is still functional if you use google. I highly recommend printing off the manuals because this wont last forever. This is where you want to start looking and I recommend you use this guide https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9oj0J-4qhdjdVpsS1hzY1B5ZFk/view
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Thanks. I will check out octoprint!
Actually, if you loved the cloud based slicing and touch screen printer control I’d really check out Astroprint, and specifically the Astrobox. That sounds like it’d be a great replacement for the now defunct Printrbot cloud. That is not to dismiss Octoprint btw, I personally use and love Octoprint.
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