Hi everybody,
I need 3D printed details for a low-volume product. I would need around 50 pcs/year.
I have tested a lot of printers, especially printers that is said in tests to have good quality such as Ultimaker 2+, but I have not found anything that is OK yet.
The thing I need is a small case for electronics with windows for LEDs. Ideal would be a 2-material print with the LED window in transparent material. But I would be happy with a single material with holes where I put in LED windows. I would prefer to not do any surface treatment on each piece.
The material should be something that will last for many years. I have used ABS in most prints. I feel uncertain about PLA, but there may be other materials that will work.
What I want is reasonably regular surfaces. It doesn’t matter if the layers are visible as long as there is no big variation X/Y from layer to layer. But it seems that if there is a disturbance in a layer such as a hole, this will cause things to happen all around that layer.
I suspect that this has to do both with the slicer and the position accuracy. I am attaching pictures of a 2 material print with LEDs, same with the LEDs out and one with 1 material. The black is ABS in all photos.
It would be very nice with some suggestions about hub and/or printer and/or material.
Best regards
Kurt Mirdell
Jul '16last reply
Jul '16- 18
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