I also just picked up the same PowerSpec 3D Pro 2 printer yesterday at MC. It’s all together but I do have a few parts that I can’t figure out what to do with. There are screws, nuts and 2 little thumb-wheel grey screws with brass inserts.
Are these just spares?
Also there’s the little black piece that I have no idea what it is for. The “sensor” cable shown in the pdf manual didn’t come loose in the box and looks like it’s possible already installed. Guess I will find out on that one.
Not done anything yet to level the bed, power it up, or install the software.
Just found this site this morning and did a search specifically on this printer so this is where it led me. Appreciate any info. Didn’t mean to hj your thread just thought since we are at about the same point in our experience that I would dive in. BTW my spool supports did have 3 nuts on each so they must have just shorted you.