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Feb 2016

Lowering the nozzle didn’t help with the brim. I’ll try sanding the tape, maybe printing brims becomes easier.

The design looks interesting, once I get my replacement fan I will see if that fixes the problem first, and if not I’m going to test different fan shrouds.

EDIT: I’ve found another one. It still has more or less the same design, but at least the nozzle itself becomes visible now. Going to print and try that one out (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:725248 2)

Hey everyone again.

I just got my new fan, it looks like it doesnt help with the PLA curling up…

I’m still experimenting with different settings, and I’ll try to print very, VERY slow, as well with less extrusion again, hope that will do.

If this is not going to help, im going to try something new out. I’ve been thinking about using a 12v radial fan together with an adapter (like here http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1146509) to finally get strong and reliable cooling. These fans are somewhere to 5€, so it wouldn’t be bad to try one out. Unfortunately these come from China, so it’ll take a while.

Im going to do a status update once I tested printing slower and with less extrusion. Take a look at the pictures tho, I still get the same problems. Seems like they always occur at the spot farthest away of the fan. I guess the 360 degree cooling shroud doesn’t help much when the fan is too weak.

It looks like you might be printing way too hot or might have a extrusion issue. Might be the first. After you get your fan fix, try lowering the temps in intervals. After I printed the Marvin my first time I realized that 200C was too hot of a layer temp for such a small design. I am using simplify3d and after a few print setting changes I have my first layer still set to 200C but after the first layer I am printing at 184C. My PLA prints are looking 10x better after that small change.

I’m currently printing as low as I can, with 185C. My fan should arrive soon, I’m not sure if it will solve the problems…

It looks like extrusion problems could be the reason for this very well. Cura has settings for the flowrate of the extruder, but I should also calibrate my steps/mm. I’ll see if this helps!

Looks great dude, glad you got it all sorted! I’ve heard nothing but praise for Simplify3D, I may have to invest!!

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