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Oct 2017

Looks great dude, glad you got it all sorted! I’ve heard nothing but praise for Simplify3D, I may have to invest!!

I think it is really worth it :wink: Sometimes Simplify3D seems to pause the print for no reason, which is weird, but it is most likely a software problem.

By the way, im printing the last Marvin now, with slow speeds, changed settings and another orientation. I’ll post pics of the final result!

Looking better! Next area to check is your extruder and your filament. You may need to fine tune the screw on top of the extruder. You may have it a tad too tight or too loose which can cause some of those lines in your most recent picture postings.

You can try bumping the shell count under the layer tab in your print settings to 3. A stronger outer wall can help smooth the print a bit.

Another reason lines still may be occurring in your print is due to the filament itself. I just had a recent print turn out similar to your original posting with the lines and ruff patches. Spent my entire night last night unraveling the spool to realize that the rest of it was contaminated and unusable.

21 days later

Looks way better! Printing small items is a whole new bag compared to large items. You can really appreciate that the plastic is at ~200C and it is HOT and ‘melty’!

2 years later


I use Simplify3D. It does not give an option for layer time.

How do I do this 'coz I have the same prob.


That option is in the “Cooling” tab in the process options “Adjust printing speed for layers below:”

