Thanks! I printed with standard PLA settings using Simplify 3D. The printer was my little printrbot simple maker’s kit. I’m going to make some parts of the robot arm stainless filament and revisit polishing techniques soon
My only question for you is do you want them in Carbon Fiber or Stainless Steel? I’ll be printing mine by the end of the day so hopefully I’ll post pictures by tomorrow. Oh and scanning your glasses will make them print in one piece (not foldable) unless you can somehow take them apart and scan them in pieces.
Thanks! it hasn’t really stressed my printer at all though i’ve only gone through a sample pack’s worth. It was very easy to print with and used all the standard settings. Some tweaking may be needed for certain geometric conditions, but this largely did not affect print quality.
I have printed a few implant models for work using it, and these are meant to be show-pieces for investors. I haven’t polished them successfully yet but I hope to get better at that with practice.
The Hoboken MakerBar would love to have them! we are actually hosting the MarkForged printer tomorrow, and have hosted a few other companies including SeeMeCNC. @, let me know if you are interested!
Awesome! ‘Framed by ProtoPasta CF’ - looking good!
@Gianmi Glad you found Proto-pasta so easy to print! Ease of print with standard settings is a requirement at the top of our list So to be hosted, do we have to physically visit NJ? I’m not again it, but that’s a long way for us West Coasters
Still no itch after 2 weeks of wearing them straight. Gotta say they’re actually quite comfortable. I’ll try a few more iterations. If anyone needs makergear m2 settings let me know.
If you’re in Boston this weekend and missed the New York ProtoPasta Special Filament Workshop there are still a few spots left to join @Alexander_8 and the Boston crew on Saturday. You can grab your ticket & sample pack here:
Hope you can make it!
That would be awesome, @jiangchao! Why don’t you start a separate thread with details on how to print your own pair of glasses, from your experience? Make sure to share the design file as well, so people can immediately start working on them
Nice idea!
@jiangchao Great news! You should try some stainless steel temples. You could create some great contrast with unfinished, brushed, or polished steel to contrast the carbon. Also, the added weight might keep the frames COG back towards your ears so they are less likely to fall off when leaning over? Just a thought…can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!