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Jul 2015

We hosted the first of our 3 special filament workshops in collaboration with @ in NYC. It was an intimate setting with tickets and sample packs limited to 30 people for the evening, which allowed for some good discussions especially when we got to post-processing and how to finish off your prints. If you haven’t yet seen the video Alex (of Proto-pasta) has made you should check it out: Polishing Stainless Steel Prints.

Sample packs, included 150g of Stainless Steel PLA & 150g of Carbon Fiber and @ydg54ymail took us through some tips, tricks and best practices for printing with these super cool exotic filaments. The presentation is attached below :wink:

A few of our terrific New York regulars, including @Chris_19 have quite a bit of experience printing with the CF, so could offer the rest of us advice based on their experience. The Stainless Steel was, however, unchartered territory so we all left excited to test the new filament, share our experiences and eager to see how everyone else’s prints turned out.

This is a super cool Stainless Steel print by @Kari_nyc. Would you share your process and tips with us please Kari? It would be awesome to know what machine your printing on, your settings and what you used for polishing.

Have you printed with your Proto-pasta Carbon Fiber or Stainless Steel PLA yet? We’d love to see your prints so please share them with the rest of us here.

Can’t wait to see you all at our next meetup!


3D Hubs Proto-pasta Workshop NY_July 8.pdf (32.9 MB)

So pissed I bought a ticket and had a family emergency. Maybe next time

Just got to experiment with mine! Pretty simple stuff. Wonderful finishing look. More things to come. I don’t have any post processing on this one. The event was awesome and it was great to have a chat with so many passionate people. I’ll be doing Glasses Frames in both SS and CF as I just broke my ABS ones.

Hey @watte! I’m so sorry you couldn’t make it, but I do have your filament for you. So although you missed the social element you’ve still got the consolation prize and can “print yourself happy” :wink:
Drop me an email at nikki@3dhubs.com and let me know where to send it.
Hope to see you for the next one!

Oh wow this is great work on the experimenting. SO you’ve got me sold on the glasses frames! Please share those once you’ve printed them. You got me thinking about scanning a pair of my frames and then sending them over to you to print. What do you think?

What a great looking print! Thanks for sharing that one. Did you opt for standard PLA settings and what are you printing on?

Thanks! I printed with standard PLA settings using Simplify 3D. The printer was my little printrbot simple maker’s kit. I’m going to make some parts of the robot arm stainless filament and revisit polishing techniques soon

My only question for you is do you want them in Carbon Fiber or Stainless Steel? I’ll be printing mine by the end of the day so hopefully I’ll post pictures by tomorrow. Oh and scanning your glasses will make them print in one piece (not foldable) unless you can somehow take them apart and scan them in pieces.

The print is awesome, congrats! If at any time you wish to share some of your prints and best practices on using the Proto-Pasta filament, please make sure to do it here. There are many people struggling with it, so adding your insights and some cool projects would certainly motivate the community. Cheers

Thanks! The first thing I think is keeping the print slow (45mm/min) and 200 C. Default PLA settings seem to work especially the simplify 3D settings.

Also I think holding the filament samples is a challenge. If you have a spool holder that can handle coils of filament it helps. There’s a great one that can be found on Thingiverse.

Check it out here

Carbon Fiber! Yeh, I realize that, but can’t help thinking some CF completely round - John Lennon-esque - shades will be the answer to my summer. Do you think unwise do to them as a solid print?
Can’t wait to see your photos!

This is awesome, Michael! What else have you tried printing with it? Didn’t get a chance to play with the material yet, but i’m very intrigued. How easy is it to print with it really and how much stress does it place on your printer? Cheers

And now to get one of these workshops too you too :wink: with @

Just got our first reseller in Australia, Bilby3D, this month! Australia needs more Proto-pasta, but why is Australia so far away? :wink: