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May 2015

Hi All,

Just joined and of course my first print is little ole Marvin, he was printed on a DWS 020X, at 25microns using ABS001 resin at 100% normal size.

Not the best pictures as I am stll learning how to take images of models - especially white material ones which are difficult to show the detail.

As with all prints on DWS - surfaces are all smooth, no layer lines.

Kind regards


Hi Andy, thats very cute! What’s a DWS? Resin printer? Yes other colours are much easier to photograph. I’ve noticed that…

I had a Form 1, had it replaced twice due to faults (the support team were excellent though) and ended up with a Form 1+, printer was OK - but never managed to get consistent prints, especially larger ones, also the surface quality was not brilliant - still layer lines even at 25micron. But for the the price a fantastic printer - especially now with their expanded range of resins and their preform software is very good in my view shame it does not export stl…

I then sold the Form 1+ on the strength of DWS releasing their prosumer XFAB at beginning of this year following their announcement at CES, alas that particular printer is plagued with delays (also I believe the resin cartridges will work out ridiculously expensive)- irrespective of what they announce in the press I believe this will not be available in 2015!

So I decided to look around - and happened to be given the opportunity to purchase an DWS 020X. Anyone who has held a print and seen the amazing surface quality will know what I mean - its as good as if not better than envisiontec printers!

Also DWS offer an extensive range of resins - which ultimately helped me make the decision to buy.

Using the DWS is easy - DWS have two software apps- one to generate supports and create the build (Nauta) and the other Fictor is used to control the machine.

Overall I wanted excellent surface quality,high accuracy and a proven range of resins - DWS offer this and the print size on the 020X is a very acceptable at 130x130x90mm - but you do pay for this and the resins are not cheap.



2 years later

hi I am looking to buy a SLA printer and am stuck between Formlabs Form 2 and DWS X-Fab. Could you tell me something about the DWS printer?