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Oct 2014

I am having issues getting simplify3d to print multiple marvins. If i slice with repG and use the multiply tab of my skeinprofile it will print as many as i tell it to, but RepG and my machine just dont get along. To print multiple copies in S3d you have to import a file more then once. It will place all copies on the build plate, but only slice the first one.

  • created

    Oct '14
  • last reply

    Oct '14
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I did import the model into tinkercad, and export it. S3d would then duplicate it, but tinkercad reduced the polygons and changed the texture.

In simplify you can duplicate one imported model under header "models"you see the tool to duplicate your model. Here you can choose how many Marvins you want


easy peesy lemon squeezy. Select Edit Process Settings button, and in the FFF Settings Window, find the button that says “Select Models” and make sure your process is tied to all your itt bitty marvins