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2 / 21
Aug 2017

Have you updated the software . If so take the nozzle off and hit it with a blow torch to make sure it’s clean or buy new tips . If that doesn’t work . Take it apart and clear the clog . The thermo barrier or nozzle . Or just buy the new extruder . It’s 129 I think supposed to be better don’t know .

Con you post a picture of the extruder with the fans and heatsink removed?

You might need a delrin plunger upgrade.

the original feeder isn’t adjustable. It’s just a spring between a fixed point and the lever. The only way is by replacing the spring with a stronger one

My Replicator 2X is 7 month old. It is a replacement by Makerbot for the broken one I had previously. Both printers have the same Mk7 extruder with the spring lever.

Does the extruder clogs to the problem you need to disassemble?

I have addressed most of those issues by:

* Lower extrussion temperature to 210.

* Declare a wider filament on configuration (as in 1.85mm instead of 1.75mm). (Some filament manufacturers don’t have consistent density).

* Dry filament (it expands when it gets wet).