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10 / 21
Aug 2017

Sounds like heat creep- heat moving up the heat break and causing the filament to

expand and clog.

I had the same problem, it was because it is summer and I am in the garage at around 100 degrees F. I fixed it by pointing a floor fan into the printer and the prints finish now.

yeah like @Frantic says.

The thermal break tube did you replace it when you changed the nozzle? some times incorrect installation wear on the PTFE lining or using one that doesn’t have a thermal break in the threads has ptfe tube through the whole throat of the tube, or no ptfe in the tube at all will cause symptoms like you are describing.

I am using this one it has a partial ptfe lining and the thermal break in the threads, it has a tapered inside diameter on the filament inlet side too.


Did you try to print a calibration cube? Try a print that you’ve printed successfully and see if it’s still doing the same thing.

Make sure extruder fan is pointing in right direction and you might need to change the cable that connects the extruder to the board.

Mine has started this as well. 3 years old now so I am going to replace the heater extruder block assembly to see if that does it as I have done all the other simple and cheap replacements. So now I am going to try the $300 dollar one and just replace the main block.

Did a replacement on the stepper motor, stepper chip, nozzle, fan, and extruder drive wheel so now time for the big change up.

This usually happens when the nozzle gets hot and somehow dissipates the heat into extrusion mechanism. Make sure feeder teeth doesn’t get hot, otherwise it skips. Turn off the fan and try to print very slowly with lowest temp (like 180C for PLA at 10mm/s), give it a try and see what happens. If it happens after like an hour later then that’s it. You need better isolation.

Does the extruder clogs to the problem you need to disassemble?

I have addressed most of those issues by:

* Lower extrussion temperature to 210.

* Declare a wider filament on configuration (as in 1.85mm instead of 1.75mm). (Some filament manufacturers don’t have consistent density).

* Dry filament (it expands when it gets wet).