Hi New to this board and new to 3D printing although not to CNC
Although the new Makerbot Print is better than the descktop I still like the features of Simplify3D.
I have used the default setup for the Rep5Gen in 3.1 and tweeked it about alot (maybe too much).
Not getting the results I expect. So
Is anyone out there using the Makerbot Rep 5th gen with Simplify3d 3.1 and have better luck, can you export your profile to an *.fff file and post here.
Thanks, If I have more sucsess I will post mine, but stuck at the moment
Thank you for looking at this, I have a Gen5 with Smart+ head.
The attached files has a DXF extension (because they do not allow posted of files with FFF extension, just change the DXF to FFF and it should open in notepad.
I have had files fail with this FFF but not all of them which is strange.
Hope you can help and I can get a reliable FFF to work with the printer. Using the new Makerbot Print which is better than Desktop but still not as good as Simplify3d 3.1.
If you are not going to reply at all why bother asking to post the file i have and saying you will help?, OR is it that you needed an FFF file for a Makerbot and did not want to ask!!!
I was loosing hope on a reply so very please to have one. Can you post the FFF (exported) that you use so I can also look to see if I can spot any differances. I may have just messed up the original. Change the .FFF to .DXF then it will alow you to post here.