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Feb 2015

I read horrible comments about Makerbot printers on Amazon. Are they really that bad? I live outside USA, there is not Makerbot reseller here, so any repair or technical service would cost an eye if eventually I have to bring the printer or any part back to USA. I see this has happened to many people. What is your opinion?

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All true! I’ve had mine for about 6 months @octopuslab and barely used it because of its smart extruder which always jammed. The money is definitely not worth the continuous headaches this printer gives you. I think you can find a more reliable printer on that budget.

Hi @boydconnor

That’s bad… they could have a really good product, everything sounds so right… Thanks for your output, I am taking your advice. Do you have any good experience with other printers you would recommend? I am now considering leapfrog or flash forge dual pro.

Hi @Alex3DHubs,

Yes I have been reviewing this information several times by now, thanks for sharing! It’s great info to make a decision. I pick many people are overall satisfied with their old replicator but it seems that 5th generation is not ready for the market yet. Flash forge sounds like a pretty good printer based on this information.

The smart extruder for 5th gen Makerbots are definitely easy to get clogged. On the bright side, Makerbot does offer free replacements for the clogged extruders, at least within the warranty period. There are also instructions on unclogging the extruders that may or may not work. Overall, I expect much better 6th gen Makerbots, or they are in trouble.


Dr. Makemake

I have a 2X and I’ve made alot of modifications to it and it works fine. I can’t say I had a bad experience with it. Although if I were to spend the same amount of money on one now I would not go with Makerbot. The biggest problem I have with the 2X is that when I bought it they were saying it could do PLA which sorta could with a of the filaments I tried. The other problem is that I did have a nozzle get clogged to the point where I could not clear it although since then I have figured out how to clear and clean them.

The other issue is the heated platform. They warp. I am now using a piece of borosilicate glass with thick kapton tape and it works pretty well. Also the leveling routine is fairly worthless. It’s more accurate to print a large rectangle and adjust the plate as it’s doing so unless you get a nice even bead all the way around the perimeter of the platform.

I have a 5th Gen and frankly, I’m puzzled by all the fuss. I’ve had it for about 9 months and the few issues I’ve had with it, I’d consider minor. My biggest complaint up until a month or so back was excessive stringing between parts. This seems to have been largely eliminated in firmware. I had one clog, which I cleared by taking apart the extruder and it’s been fine since. I just ran a large print for a client that took over 32 hours to produce and it was flawless.

21 days later

I have 5th for almost 1 year now.

At the beginning there were some issues. But what we have now, with all upgrades included, I must admit this is very good printer after all.

Smart extruder could be tricky, but one learn quite fast how to use it properly and then it works like it should.

Bottom line: first release (1year ago) was not the best. Now it is completely different story.

Look like they are back on track and Makerbot will go on.

Support in Europe is also very good and this is lately strong point of MB outside US.

1 month later

Still looking for advice?

After several month of bad SmartExtruders and horrable Firmware - the MakerBoth 5th Gen. is now ready to print in a high quality and without clogged SmartExtruders.

Comparable with the 4th Generation of MakerBot devices.

Yes, I am still looking for advice! Thanks for the update.

It is great you finally have it working correctly. I am starting a small project and need a reliable double extruder printer. Plus, I am designer and tinkering is definitely not my thing. Flashforge was my second option but some people say it is a good machine once you get it to work, pretty much like a Makerbot.

I think the MakerBot Replicator 2x is a reallyl great machine. The name of the device is experimental because of the ABS Filament you have to use.

If you made your first experiences with the 2x and the ABS filament you can get high quality prints out of it. You can also print PLA with the 2x but unfortunately you do not have the goody of the active cooling nozzle!

5 months later
1 month later

I’ve had a fifth gen since they came out. The smart extruder design is terrible and it malfunctions constantly. I’ve looked at every teardown and rebuilt mine dozens of times so I know the design is fatally flawed. Also, I do not understand why anyone would retract filament, the melted portion will probably break when you retract it and be left somewhere in the filament path which means your extruder us now useless unless you know how to rebuild them and it’s not easy. If you want to change filament snip it and run it through and simply run the next one in. Never retract filament.

I had a heater short which burned the heater circuit which is located on the carriage circuit board not inside the smart extruder. Makerbot insisted that I ship the entire printer which would cost more than its probably worth since I live in Canada.

Maybe some quality 3rd party parts will be forthcoming, everything is have looked at online is junk and garbage. Cheap crap even worse than makerbot.

1 year later

To be honest, I dont know what all the fuss is about. I have a Makerbot 5th Gen and I just purchased a Makerbot Mini, and I think they are great machines. Sure I have had an occasional issue with them, but I think you would be hard pressed to find the “Perfect Maintenance Free” Machine. The extent of the issues I have faced are a few clogs no and again, but nothing I wasnt able to fix in about 5 mins max. The removable extruder makes it a breeze to pop off, clear a jam and put it back on without missing a beat. I have recently upgraded to the Smart extruder + for both machines, and I havent had a jam yet! I think with a little time and attention, some TLC, your Makerbot can provide you with many many hours of printing with no trouble.