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Apr 2017

My estimate is 200 plus cost of supplies and design. Design 30, supplies be about 30. And shipping. So this prob can be around 300.

I have a couple of questions:

Do you require the neck to be printed and if so what is the length?

What is the diameter of the larger circular piece?

Yes, the entire thing would need to be made. From what I understand, the guitar would not be functional if fully cast as a 3d print unless somebody (yourself or others) are able to make the neck be able to withstand the torque of the strings, which would be preferred, I am alright with it simply being a prop if it is not possible.

As far as the length and diameter, I don’t have exacts, but I’m sure if I spent some time analyzing the photos and comparing them to myself (5’8’’/173cm), I could come up with a guesstimate.

I know its kinda vague answer, but at the moment, thats about the best I can answer. I’m sorry ;–;

Thank you for finding the rest of the images. While, yes, it might be overkill, I am also looking for durability and quality. I have some foam props (Elks staff from .hack//infection is my major piece), but they’re fragile and tend to crack or chip, which is why I’m looking to invest a little extra for a higher quality prop.

Hi, and thank you for your reply. You have some fantastic pieces, very nice work!

To answer your questions, the guitar doesn’t need to be functional, but if its possible, it would be a huge plus for the cosplay.
As far as the plastic goes, I wouldn’t have an issue. I know this poses a bit of a challenge for the functionality of the guitar, but in the end, it is a prop for a cosplay vs a real instrument.

Some more images of the dimensions and such are below:
phariam: “ Show By Rock!! - Shu☆Zo’s Guitar ”

Thank you much!

Hi, and thank you for your reply!

I am unaware of the exact dimensions of it, but here are a few more images to get a better feel for it.
phariam: “ Show By Rock!! - Shu☆Zo’s Guitar ”

Show by rock kinda threw me for a curveball as far as animes go. I wasn’t expecting it to be that great, but I quite enjoyed it. Hope you do as well! :slight_smile:

After going back to look at both, i noticed there are differences between the two in the anime and the one in the photo. after comparing them and taking things into consideration, the one I’m interested in would be the anime 3d rendering of the guitar. [I will edit the original post to reflect this as well as post links to the screencaps of the model.] I attempted to get multiple screen caps to get better angles/outlines of certain features. I hope this helps.


9 months later