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29 / 32
Apr 2017

Hi, and thank you for your reply!

Yes, the entire thing would need to be assembled.
No, I dont have any files, just the images posted above.
I understand the costs of labor/time/etc as far as these things go, which is why i’m not terribly concerned with a budget, within reason, of course. :slight_smile:

Hi and thank you for your reply!

–As far as a relative size, I’m 5’8’’/173cm, so a full-sized guitar would probably be best.
–The clock would be pretty sweet if functional, and would give the prop some use when not cosplaying, but is a low priority. Still… that is a pretty cool idea and will have to give that some thought.

Thanks much! :slight_smile:

My original plan was wood or a combination, which should have made this a bit easier of a build as a functional piece, but I just couldn’t find anybody willing to commission it, which is why i’m moving to what, in my opinion, would be my next best option.

Im not very knowledgeable in 3d printing as all my props are done with foams and pvc. I’ve also never had needed a prop that, in theory, can be used as an instrument, so you’re right there: I have no idea about stringed instrument physics :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d suggest using an old guitar as a base, so you have the reinforcement in the neck already built in. You cold then 3d print all the add on items. It would then be much easier to make this a functioning piece, and would be much more durable. You are likely to loose some functionality due to all the add-ons though. Would you be looking for the piece to be styled exactly on the one in the pictures, or would you be looking for something closer to the one in the artwork I’ve seen?

After going back to look at both, i noticed there are differences between the two in the anime and the one in the photo. after comparing them and taking things into consideration, the one I’m interested in would be the anime 3d rendering of the guitar. [I will edit the original post to reflect this as well as post links to the screencaps of the model.] I attempted to get multiple screen caps to get better angles/outlines of certain features. I hope this helps.
