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Jan 2018

My original plan was wood or a combination, which should have made this a bit easier of a build as a functional piece, but I just couldn’t find anybody willing to commission it, which is why i’m moving to what, in my opinion, would be my next best option.

Im not very knowledgeable in 3d printing as all my props are done with foams and pvc. I’ve also never had needed a prop that, in theory, can be used as an instrument, so you’re right there: I have no idea about stringed instrument physics :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d suggest using an old guitar as a base, so you have the reinforcement in the neck already built in. You cold then 3d print all the add on items. It would then be much easier to make this a functioning piece, and would be much more durable. You are likely to loose some functionality due to all the add-ons though. Would you be looking for the piece to be styled exactly on the one in the pictures, or would you be looking for something closer to the one in the artwork I’ve seen?

After going back to look at both, i noticed there are differences between the two in the anime and the one in the photo. after comparing them and taking things into consideration, the one I’m interested in would be the anime 3d rendering of the guitar. [I will edit the original post to reflect this as well as post links to the screencaps of the model.] I attempted to get multiple screen caps to get better angles/outlines of certain features. I hope this helps.


It could be designed to facilitate a tensioning rod, however, I’m reminded of those cheap $50 ukuleles…they don’t have rods and still work.

depending on your level of interest, actually building it from wood would be a pretty intimate project and would glean all the information you’ll get after working with a designer (which will be expensive). The collateral benefits to building, if well documented, could be huge also.

There are a number of approaches to this idea. How close to it do you want to get?

Thanks for the new pictures. Looking at these, I’d say that the guitar lends itself more towards a prop rather than a working guitar.

The full clock face body, would not give you access to the strings, without having the face detachable you would be unable to play it, I think this would make the piece loose some impact. I would be inclined to focus on making the clock and cogs work.

I’d still use a guitar neck as a base so you can give the impression of having tuned strings.

If your happy with the proposal I can draw up some sketches and get you a detailed quote.

I’d be shipping from the UK so will include the cost of a hard flight case to protect the piece during shipping.