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Feb 2019

Hmmm. Boo. Google maps not automatically updating from the table. I’ll need to revisit this setup. Suggestions welcome. Fusion Tables was supposed to be a solution, but just yesterday Google announced it’s killing it off…

Ok. One of you funny guys went in and deleted the entire sheet (and then put it back) just to prove the point that someone from the dark side — who was maliciously inclined — could mess with other printer’s entries.

So, the suggestion was to create a form 7 to mostly prevent that. Here you go: U.S. 3D Printers 7

I have embedded your map into my website here: www.3Dprintsites.com 8 so it should update when you add more points to the map!

I will tweak the site over the weekend and then will ask for feedback starting next week.

If you haven’t already done so, please add us to your site. Virtual2Actual. FDM printing, scanning and light laser cutting. We have a farm of 10 printers with beds up to 500mmx500mm. We print mostly in PLA, including exotics but can do ABS on request.

We can be reached at samern@ix.netcom.com.



Include me on the list please.

Region: Tri-Cities, TN

I have 4 years of experience with 3D design and modeling and have a mechanical / manufacturing engineering background to help drive my designs.

3D design and modeling: Yes

Materials: PLA, ABS. Willing to try new materials if a customer wants something I haven’t used before at no extra cost to the customer.

Printer: RepRap FDM printer, 210x210x220

Colors: PLA - Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black.
ABS - Black, White.

Finishes: Sanding, painting, drilling, vapor smoothing ABS

Please add me to the list. I have an Anycubic Photon MSLA printer with Black water washable and Gray IPA resin but I can get almost any color/type of resin needed within 1-3 weeks. I also do 3D modeling. I have a website: mikesmsproductions.com 4 with mostly scale modeling detail sets.

1 month later

guys continuing this discussion please add me to the list i have been with 3dhub since 2016 and i have a bank of 10 machines ready to go thank you

Hey Julie,

I’m an established 3d printer offering a One stop prototyping shop. Doing everything from idea generation to design work and manufacturing. I’m located in Azusa, CA near Los Angeles. I do FDM printing & Design work offering several filament types. Please add me to the list.

My site 3DPrintSites.com is currently on hold until I talk to an attorney. Someone pointed out that it could be a privacy violation by taking everyone’s name, email address, etc. and storing it on the hosting site and on the Google map. I may just have to put websites and a link to the general location, but again, I need to verify that i am not breaking any privacy act rules.


15 days later
14 days later
1 month later

We offer SLM, MJF, FDM and other 3D Printing services and 3D Modeling services to individuals and companies with 11 HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printers and are the largest HP 3D Printing Center in Asian Pacific region. You can visit us here [https://gdlwzn.com 2] and send us an enquiry. We use premium material and offer various materials and colours like PA11, PA12, PA12GB, EOS metal, EOS nylon, PA2200, PA3200 . We can even order in custom made to order colours if required. You can also email us direct here: yolandahoa@163.com:smiley: