Hmmm. Boo. Google maps not automatically updating from the table. I’ll need to revisit this setup. Suggestions welcome. Fusion Tables was supposed to be a solution, but just yesterday Google announced it’s killing it off…
Ok. One of you funny guys went in and deleted the entire sheet (and then put it back) just to prove the point that someone from the dark side — who was maliciously inclined — could mess with other printer’s entries.
My Hub was very active until the switch; nearly 90% up time on my FormLabs Form2 printer! While I still handle several jobs on it, I do have capacity for more. Please contact me if you’re in need of an SLA print in 25, 50, or 100 micron resolution. I have most all resins, so your job can be handled!
I am also a Product Design Engineer as my full time job. If you need CAD work, concepting, prototyping, reverse engineering, or any other skill set to take your concept and bring it to production, I encourage you to lean on my experience bringing dozens of products through the full product development cycle to help your idea become a reality.
Please send over your part file (.stl, .step, .iges, .x_t, etc) to Include what resolution you’d like (25, 50, or 100 microns) as well as the material color. If there are special things to note (critical surfaces, parts that must move/snap, etc) call those out there as well. I’ll provide you a quotation and we can go from there!
Associate with ThePro3DStudio for availing flawless 3D modeling services for your various 3D printing needs. We provide digital 3D models for architecture, jewelry, fashion accessories, etc.
We offer SLM, MJF, FDM and other 3D Printing services and 3D Modeling services to individuals and companies with 11 HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printers and are the largest HP 3D Printing Center in Asian Pacific region. You can visit us here [ 2] and send us an enquiry. We use premium material and offer various materials and colours like PA11, PA12, PA12GB, EOS metal, EOS nylon, PA2200, PA3200 . We can even order in custom made to order colours if required. You can also email us direct here: