September 19, 2015, 8:31pm
For our September meetup we didn’t feature a speaker but instead hosted an open build night. Anyone could attend and bring a printer they were building or in the process of fine tuning. We had a few of our regulars join us as well as some new members.
Branden brought down his Flex Drive printer which combines elements from a direct drive extruder and a Bowden. It’s lightweight and reduces the reciprocating mass on the printhead yet has the extruder gear directly connected to the carriage. Equipped with a B3 Innovations Pico hotend and a 0.6 mm nozzle he printed additional parts for his 3D printed horn seen below.
A rebuilt Mbot was also in action. Branden had picked it up used and rebuilt it and has it dual extruding beautifully. Be sure to check out how much equipment he’s able to pack inside of it as well!
Rick joined us for the first time bringing along his RepRap. It was laying down some good prints and members helped him fine tune even further.
I brought along a SeeMeCNC Rostock Max v2. This machine is part of a machine building class at our local library, the East Lansing Public Library. Every week patrons join us and learn how to build a 3D printer, getting direct hands on experience.
Stay tuned for more recaps and look for news on the upcoming 3D scanner event in October!
3DHubs Lansing Mayor
What great idea for an event! I really wished I could’ve been there. How long for putting together a SeeMeCNC?
September 21, 2015, 5:09pm
For the Rostock they recommend about 20-25 hours for a build. We’ve changed some of the parts to new upgraded ones so it has taken us a little longer. They have a great manual and community that is more than willing to help!
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