I bought a Kossel XL last year from builda3dprinter.eu. Unfortunately I’m having a lot of problems with calibration. To be exact it will work so-so for small prints, but when it comes to larger footprints, it fails miserably. I’m attaching a photo to illustrate my problem. I calibrate each tower and the middle of the platform, using the paper test, and those are fine. Even then there is this “dimple” having a whopping 0.15-0.2 mm gap there…Currently I’m trying rotating the platform to see if this issue is with the movement or with the glass somehow…I mean this is not a concavity/convexity problem nor is it a simple “tilted plane”, and thus calibration simply doesn’t help with it…Any suggestions would be appreciated. Btw, the issue is the same without the masking tape, using the heated bed. Thank you!
.15 to .2 mm gap is not unheard of. Glass isn’t '.00000001mm ’ perfect. Mirror glass is usually better. I suggest rafting large prints, and over extruding on the first layer an additional 25% or more
Sorry for not responding for so long, I still haven’t had time to actually try the solutions you offered. I’ll definitely get back to this thread when I can find time to experiment, life has been keeping me busy these past weeks.
Long time, but…I tried printing the calibration object, for delta printers, but unfortunately Slic3r seems to screw up the slicing…I used kisslicer before, but that refused to put the object in the center of the print bed…*sigh* Slic3r seems to under extrude, although I have given it the correct data regarding the printer. I never had this issue with kisslicer. As a matter of fact the extruder nozzle was clogged twice in a row (for two calibration objects) when the print got to the part where it was supposed to add the “stubs” (or blocks , in the instructions) at the top…I tried increasing the extrusion rate, but it didn’t help. It seems to pull back way too much (destring I presume) , but just with those stubs, and then extrude way too little, resulting in an airgap inside the extruder, which in turn leads to a pla “blob” forming and clogging up the thing…I probably should’ve bought a plug and print machine…
dear all i have a similar kind of problem we just builded our kossel xl 3d printer but it has a problem on planarity, the printing is somehow “spherical”! if we start to print it is 3mm high on the centre and then once you move around it start to touch the bed, like if it is not worling on a flat space but slightly spherical… did you ever had this problem?
Just scroll down an please read my other post there is a link how to calibrate a delta, in your case the the firmware’s delta radius needs to corrected first in the firmware.
Just a quick update…I pretty much gave up on this printer unfortunately. I simply don’t have the time/patience to fight with this (honestly piece of shit) bed. I’d need a proper manual leveling system (three screws with springs), to have a chance. M666 sort of does…something…but it seems unpredictable, sometimes it changes nothing, sometimes it does…There is a probe on the head but that never really worked…3d printed parts for a 3d printer…from what I’ve sen so far is a bad idea. I wanted to get into 3d printing relatively cheap but that didn’t work out. If I ever go for another printer it will be a plug and play type for sure. I do love fiddling and tinkering, but this is just pure frustration !! I tried so many methods, and the results are simply unpredictable. I’m really disappointed. That’s just 700 dollars of junk sitting on my table…A very expensive learning experience for sure. I know some will simply say I didn’t try hard enough but…honestly I don’t want to at this point… Thank you for all your input! At least they probably helped others with a similar issue and a LOT more patience!