That is huge and looking good. Looking forward for the £260 Guide and BOM.
Thanks for your support.
instructable should be published shortly.
Many thanks.
instructable will be published shortly.
Great job!!
Are the BOM list hard to find?
All being well I hope to have the instructible published with in the next 10 days.
sorry if that’s a bit long but given the amazing interest this project now call PRINTTABLE is generating I want to ensure the instructible as easy to follow as possible.
Thanks for interest and comments and please build one as soon as it’s published.
Most of the parts are available relatively easy. All parts will be available at the currently under construction site 17. The core premise is a total open source project at its core building on a worldwide common platform being the LACK Table range. The more modifications,developments and enhancements made the more the community will benefit.
thanks for the interest and your support.
looking forward to the instructables…don’t forget 2 add a donate me button
Any update on an instructables? will it be on 2?
We will be working hard over the weekend in an attempt to publish on Monday.
Please check out our preview. Printtable Short - YouTube 8
Our aim is to ensure the instructable is easy to follow.
Thanks for your patience.
Very Nice!! Looking forward to this!!
I am very glad that you want to share your project on how to create a very cool 3D-printer.
However, my concern is that I’m not the big programmer, I have only programmed very simple machines before (e.g. a multiple pill dispenser a year ago).
Will there also be a very simple guide on the programming and coding part of the project, or will I have to find a place to learn this beforehand?
But again, thanks for sharing your project with us.
This is amazing. Can’t wait to see the instructable.
Hi Mikkel
No programming required as such.
The beauty of this project is it uses the smoothieware firmware and a simple configuration file which is edited in notepad or other simple txt format.