Add a cooling fan to reduce warping and lower your travel velocity to 100mm/s. As someone else suggested, adding z-lift with retractions. Also, if this is a generic kossel kit, check your X,Y and Z acceleration. 9000 is typically too high for average stepper motors. Lowering to 7000 will give you more reliable printing and higher quality prints.
Ok, let me get into some more detail, it almost never happens in a single print with very few seperate points. Ive printed the G Rocket fine, vases fine, more kossel parts fine, etc etc. My rods are not quite perfect to each other, they came premade in the kit so I went with it. I have 2 at 216mm, 2 at 215.5mm and 2 at 215mm. Also I know the print is going to end up this way in advance where I hear the print head running into the part and when I examine the situation it looks as if the PLA has curled up a bit at the point of contact. Ive tried various temps from 185-up to 220 for the pla to cure this and I have 2 fans on my print head, one to cool the heat sink and one directed at the hot end itself.
I was think this but I do have a 30mm fan cooling the PLA and still getting curls(but not all the time) On some models no curls at all and on other lots of curls. Ive tried varying temps but it makes no different. I do have any examples atm to show as I usually toss them. Currently print BB-8 and he is coming out flawless so far, not oval or anything so this discounts someone else comments about rod length issues. I might most some examples of successful prints with multiple points here and then try one I know fails and post a pic.
On a DELTA printer, a layer shift due to a motor skipping steps or cutting out will make the print shift away from a particular tower. When it skips a step its usually trying to move up, or if it cuts out for a millisecond the carriage will drop down slightly. Both of these actions result in one axis being a few steps below where it should be, which in turn pushes the platform AWAY from that tower.
If your layers are shifting like your photo shows, have look which direction the part has shifted (maybe take a photo from directly above). This should point to which tower has the problem.
Ive done this many times to ensure bed calibration is right on. I even have buttons setup in Pronterface for X,Y,Z,Center Position locations. Always fine tune until a piece of paper just barely scrapes the head