A shift like that is typically caused by the bed moving because parts are attached to it and being hit by the head. Secure the bed as best possible and use the zlift feature as previously mentioned. My kossel mini prints multiple objects like a champ, my only issue is stringing which I can’t eliminate.
My Glass bed is secured down and cannot shift side to side as I have tabs fixed to the 2020 fram with rads exactly matching the diameter of the glass bed. There is no play. I never have a problem with stringing unless I am printing in flexible filament. My printer has good days where it prints great and mediocre days where it prints soso. I have been into this now for about 5 weeks and had to do a lot of research and reading up to get it this far. It is a DIY kit that had no firmware when I got it. If I can get past this one last obstacle I’ll hopefully be fine
It definitely sounds like your move speed is too high (not your actual printing speed, but the speed for moving between parts) and/or your motor acceleration values are too high in firmware. To test lower acceleration speeds without having to reflash your firmware, go to control -> motion -> scroll down until you see acceleration and lower to 2000. Than scroll down further and change each of the individual motor (x, y, z) acceleration values down to 7000. Start there and see if it is improved.
This is usually the quality of my prints, this is one of a bunch of parts I printed this past weekend for a new kossel project I want to start myself with a much larger printer area. As you can see I have no issues with quality, distortion or leveling, its just a lot of the time with multi separate rises I get the issue i originally described, now the PLA in the pic i have not had that issue with but I have not tried any of the usual problem parts I get this issue with with the PLA yet. When I get a moment I will attempt a problem part and upload the results for a better assessment
Hello i had the same issue , after doing all the things they mention here ,what is right ,
i came to dicover that 1 motor was bad ,
he skipt an step or 1-2 . i had lose him from the belt and turned it by hand ,at an piont turning with same force by hand the motor feeled like he had an skipping,and crackfeeling, after replace the motor all went good no problems anymore since then .
the motor was striped and the failure was 1 defect barrel in the tiny bearing. I think there was tomuch tension or force on the motor, in the past.
so if nothing works try this .
When it happens to me again i check the motors first, this is much faster then do all the settings and so on .