Add a cooling fan to reduce warping and lower your travel velocity to 100mm/s. As someone else suggested, adding z-lift with retractions. Also, if this is a generic kossel kit, check your X,Y and Z acceleration. 9000 is typically too high for average stepper motors. Lowering to 7000 will give you more reliable printing and higher quality prints.
Ok, let me get into some more detail, it almost never happens in a single print with very few seperate points. Ive printed the G Rocket fine, vases fine, more kossel parts fine, etc etc. My rods are not quite perfect to each other, they came premade in the kit so I went with it. I have 2 at 216mm, 2 at 215.5mm and 2 at 215mm. Also I know the print is going to end up this way in advance where I hear the print head running into the part and when I examine the situation it looks as if the PLA has curled up a bit at the point of contact. Ive tried various temps from 185-up to 220 for the pla to cure this and I have 2 fans on my print head, one to cool the heat sink and one directed at the hot end itself.
Hello i had the same issue , after doing all the things they mention here ,what is right ,
i came to dicover that 1 motor was bad ,
he skipt an step or 1-2 . i had lose him from the belt and turned it by hand ,at an piont turning with same force by hand the motor feeled like he had an skipping,and crackfeeling, after replace the motor all went good no problems anymore since then .
the motor was striped and the failure was 1 defect barrel in the tiny bearing. I think there was tomuch tension or force on the motor, in the past.
so if nothing works try this .
When it happens to me again i check the motors first, this is much faster then do all the settings and so on .
My fans are exactly like that. The BB8 I am printing is 3 parts, center hub for mechanics and two side pieces. I get some curl up at bottom right on platform but no where else on him. I do not have a heated bed
Such error during the print may be cause by few reasons
1- while you were printing the printing head encounter an obstacle which prevent the head to move correctly in the X Y dimension, probably cause by an over extrusion of the previous layers, an over extrusion may pile up ever several layer before it become an issues I suggest diminishing the over extrusion parameters or increase the layer hight
2- While you were printing a resistance may have been encounter in X or Y axis both at the same time is not probable which can have prevent the printing head to move to its proper position, for that check your assembly and grease the X and Y moving roads with a white grease for metal
3- The last probable cause is way more touchy to adjust, each motor you have in your printer is control by a step motor chip, these chip have a small calibration knobs which control the amount of power sent to the motor for each move, increase it and you will provide the motor with more power to surmount small obstacle if you give to much the motor will overheat and lose longevity, not enough power and you may encounter problem like your describing, But I repeat this is very tricky and such be done by expert 3D technicien.
Hey FYI adjusting the stepper drivers isn’t that hard but you do need a multi meter and another place you should check for help is the reprap mIRC channel. If you google reprap irc u’ll find a link that will take you to wiki and then another link to take you to the channel. If you need assistance adjusting the drivers send me a message and I can walk you thru it