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Apr 2017

The thing with that is a big majority of the people at those events have a printer so they wouldnt order from other printers.

Hi Nikolay. Don’t forget my response from your other forum post - building a Hub on 3D Hubs will take months of time, not days. Glad to see you have taken my advice on the UK postage rules, that’s nice and clear for customers to see. Repeat custom is key too - you need to entice users to use you via cheaper prices, faster turn around, going above and beyond. Then they will not even check other hubs for other projects they may have. I am very fortunate to have won several users custom and they come back to me with parts several times a month.

You’ve got some great looking pics, so I think they will help you sell your quality, you don’t need to worry about that. It’s just orders through the door now!

To help with your stats and expanding on @wirlybird info - I have 75 orders done and over 33000 views of my hub… it’s a slow process, don’t be relying on this to pay your rent!! :wink:

Best of luck with the Hub!


I’m working with a 0.1% Conversion with no advertising.

30,000 Views, 30 Orders.

Its paid off my printer though and that was the intention.

With advertising you might hope to bring that up to 1%, but it will never be much higher than that.

11,000 hub views just means when they clicked the 3d print button you showed up in the list of hubs to select

I was reading this is a lighthearted discussion about ways to best improve the likely search result metrics rather than a serious plan to cheat the system. I am not sure that using redit to advertise for more jobs would be a scam of the system either.

It would be better if hubs were encouraged to order prints off of one another rather than buying a new colour filament or similar. That would be a more honest reason for one hub owner to order prints from another. Rather does go against the motivations for most hobbyists though. We got printers to print stuff ourselves instead of contracting others.