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18 / 27
Apr 2017

This is not a unique problem to you. I have 682 views (622 in search results) and 60 profile visits. If anyone can spot a problem with either of our profiles I would be glad to hear some recommendations too.

I suspect there is not the demand to drive the need for Rookies to perform prints in many cases. Why pick someone with less than 10 prints when for the same price there are people with dozens or hundreds of prints?

@keebie81 suggestions are good ideas, hub views arent always indicative of orders, ive had close to 200,000 views on my hub

trying to get your hub services started is always slow at first, some ideas are to join local makerspaces, go to the next 3d hubs meetup, do more prints for family and friends! feel free to ask me any questions if I can help

If it is the fact that we dont have many orders, we could internally inflate ourselves by getting new hubs to print for other new hubs