I trust his knows his stuff, and I’m not here to discredit or anything of the sort. Just wanted to get my 2 cents in from what I experienced. Like I said, my first printer, was a bit expensive, basing that off of the clone aspect that he talks about. I would lvoe to get my hands on more printers for hands on comparison.
I have also one, I was less lucky, first machine had quite some problems, they have changed the machine to a new one, changes are visible, larger diameter of shafts.
i have been printing four part already, impressive quality.
the bed calibration is very sensitive, but knowing that one can print in layers of 0.015 mm, it needs to be sensitive.
support is very good, they helped me in the weekend.
i will start now printing in 2 different colors, be aware you need to stay in the same material, you can’t combine PLA with ABS.
i keep you updated.
waiting for firmware that allows connecting on Wifi and usb
Recommend against them
I try to be objective when giving comments, and im not one to really bash companies but I would strongly recommend doing some serious thinking before buying a poetry2! Normally the Italians have good products, and its not bad but wow they must have good marketing cause the are way over rated and a below benchmark printer. They have terrible customer service also which, especially considering their prices.
A little back story.I bought a ira3d poetry2 at Christmas. I have got to admit for the price of $2000, plus their care package I thought it was a wise buy and that ìd be getting a high quality product! Actually up to 4 months ago would have recommended an IRA3D printer.
My printer started having issues with the heated bed heating up. I contacted Customer Service they replied to me asking for proof of purchase. I sent them the receipt and a few days later they replied that I should go through the settings with them and check the wiring. I am quite literate with 3d printers and already tried all the connections. Nothing was resolved so I contacted them again and they said they would try and help me again, 3 days later they send me a message with saying that they would look into the issue and try and find a solution. Still no answer. After multiple times of being in contact with them I realize that they have no idea what they are doing or what they even produce. 5 business days later I receive yet another email asking for me to send them my printer at my shipping cost for repair. Great Care…
I finally give in and sent it to them. After about a week of no response I called them and they told me they will look at the printer tomorrow that they will update me tomorrow, of course no response so I call and get the same answer. After 2 more weeks of calling daily, they know my case by my first name now, they send out my printer. I receive the printer in worse condition then I sent it to them, plastic is chipped and broken and the carriage is completely broken in multiple spots. To sum it up, they are not sending me a new one, the one I have is crap, and I have no solution. 3000$ in the trash bin.
Hello, please send me (or upload) original software from this 3d printer and new firmware. Is that posible? Thank you very much to helping me…
Hi james,
Let me inow how to get it out of the machine
So i will sent it to you
I have a copy of their last firmware that also gets the wifi working on the controller which is a speedyboard made by http://www.gh-enterprise.it/ 8
I’ve tried to get ahold of GH but months without response.
I also have a stl file of the red 3d printed part cooling fan
Enclosed is a google drive link to the zip files. These are the last files i was able to get via email through their support before IRA3d’s website went down and emails undeliverable. Hope this helps. I have already built 3 machines since owning this one.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BHQ98loVzPPeKyX-h7xXUDmhO-8t0_98/view?usp=sharing 21
Lots of tweaks, but the one that seems to help me the most was reducing the machines acceleration from factory 9000 to 2000-3000. After you update with this firmware (follow the instructions), you will be able to edit settings on the touch screen.
I have also built machine profiles for CURA 3.6, as well material profile for PETG, PLA. All included in the link above.
If you get stuck, email venturefabrications@gmail.com or find us on facebook.
Hope this helps.
Please ALEX send me your slicer/printer settings too (laco@rupkki.sk). Firmware from Soren is working, wifi too. But i need to try your slicer settings too, because i have still bad result… Thank you…
I,can send you the last ones fromira 3d i got from:them, for the moment my printer is down, as bed leveling is a nightmare, willreplace the bed first, install complete new nozzle system and start up;again, i also have changed the machine by puttingnthe nozzle wiring outside, easier to swap nozlles, gave up the 0,25 nozzles, changing to 0,4 nozzles
Let me know if you want me to send the ira 3d profiles i have
Yeah, all on this printer is a nightmare :(, i try first changed nozzles, heads, cooler all… Please send me all your profile to my email: laco@rupkki.sk